I believe the 'spirit' the human is channelling is their own soul or higher self, which is a part of the Divine. I don't believe entities, such as God or the devil, exist outside of us.Answers to Your QuestionsClick on a topic to be directed to the answer. Click on your browser...
All Things Holy Elisa MedhusMay 2, 2011in After Death Communication, Afterlife, belief, Channeling, Christianity and sprituality, Communication from the dead, Crossing over, Free Will, God, Heaven, Love, Music, Proof in the spirit world, Proof of the Afterlife, Psychic medium, Religion, Spiri...
Erik: It is easier said than done, literally, but it really isn’t so difficult when you break it down and question those beliefs. Let’s take the belief that if you lose your job, you’re going to be homeless. Then fear sets in. Start questioning: “Would I really be homeless?” ...
This is why the weaning of self from outside points of view and separateperspectives has been such an obvious part of the process for you, because there truly is no outside source which can take you on this journey. No matter how holy or how advanced or how eloquent any discarnate bein...
“There, close to the surface of your land, and close to be discovered,there are remains of our civilization. These findings will cause a lot of disagreement, but they are required to reduce the spirit of separation. You have a desire to separate that will lead to your own destruction. ...
• God is father/son/holy spirit: Father is changeless, eternal • Only things which share these characteristics are real – world, death, hate, sin are all unreal because they do not share these characteristics • We are not separate from God, but ...
If nothing else, I hope they trigger something within the reader to start searching for the Holy Grail, the Inner Knowledge. Also, different timelines are merging as we become more multi-D. We will discuss this in another paper and how we live many different lives simultaneously on different...
Meditation, Dreams and the Holy Spirit Elisa MedhusJuly 30, 2011inAfter Death Communication,Channeling,Christianity and sprituality,Communication from the dead,Dreams,God,Jamie Butler,Lucid Dream,Meditation,Messages from the dead,Psychic medium,Religion ...
Jamie: I don’t feel like Hitler’s spirit is kind of a mix of things like the average human. We reincarnate; we grow; we shift. It’s more of like—I cannot believe I’m going to say this—more of like an angelic energy. ...
Me: And what was your secret? How did you create this massive war? How were you able to convince the masses to make this all happen? (Long pause) Jamie: Holy shit! (Turning her head to Erik) Am I going to say that? Me: Ah oh. ...