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Stay connected with yield results, agronomic information and grain marketing advice. Sign up today. Channel®is leading the field with entirely new ways to help you save. With the new Channel Club and flexible prepay discounts, our farmer-focused finance program is giving you more ways to sav...
You’ll still get the same excellent products and service you’ve come to expect from Stewart Seeds. Now, you’ll get expanded product offerings, greater agronomic support, and more digital offerings. Channel® Brand Local Yield Resultsexpand_less See how products performed in your area. Channe...
Tim, Mark and Digger judge the results as three U.S. military veterans who served their country overseas, battle to become the next master distiller; to nobody's surprise, Tickle takes on his duty as honorary drill sergeant a little too seriously. ...
Matsuhashi from NARO for providing the seeds of weeds; members of the Research Project for Technologies to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of Japan's Agriculture and Food Industry under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan for meaningful discussion; and K. Wada ...
Cucumbers yield the best crops when planted in clay soil, but they’ll produce earlier in sandy soil. They are versatile to a variety of soil types. For best results, grow cucumbers in soil that has a pH level between 5.5 and 7.0. ...
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a sub-population of cells possessing high tumorigenic potential, which contribute to therapeutic resistance, metastasis and recurrence. Eradication of CSCs is widely recognized as a crucial factor in improving patient prognos
PIs can be found in high concentrations in certain foods, such as soybeans, peanuts, and sesame seeds [73].The impact would be different depending on the specific types of PIs consumed and the levels of these lipids in the body [74]. It is also important to note that diet is not the...
Comparison with Existing Methods: Many automatic tools are in fact currently available, but different methods yield different cell count estimations, even in the same brain regions, due to differences in the labeling and imaging techniques, as well as in the algorithms used to detect cells. More...
Optimal disturbances are defined as initial perturbations which yield the largest amplification of their energy over a time/space interval [5,6]. When the Reynolds number is smaller than its critical value (i.e., the value for which the linearized Navier–Stokes operator has unstable eigenmodes)...