The channel impulse response, or in this case the channel estimation from the receiver, should characterize a complex indoor area which usually has multipath, thus providing a unique signature for each location which proves useful for better pattern recognition. In this experiment, channel estimates ...
Channel frequency response variation; CI: Close-in; CIR: Channel impulse response; D2D: Device to device; DF: Decode and forward; DoA: Delay of arrival; DT: Direct transmission; FM: Frequency modulation; FMCW: Frequency modulated continuous wave; ISI: Inter symbol interference; ITU: International...
two different channel sounder systems for 1.3 GHz and 5.8 GHz were implemented. These sounders together with MATLAB and LabVIEW programs were used for channel evaluation up to 120 MHz and 600 MHz bandwidths for both 1.3 and 5.8 GHz, respectively. ...
The channel impulse response, ℎ(𝜏,𝑙)hτ,l, can be obtained by applying IFFT on 𝐻¯(𝑓,𝑙)H¯f,l in Equation (5). Accordingly, the instantaneous power delay profile (PDP) and the averaged PDP (APDP) are calculated, respectively, as follows [15]: 𝑃𝐷𝑃(𝜏,...
Here, National Instruments (NI) Compact-DAQ chassis(cDAQ-9189) was used as the controller and programmed on LABVIEW. The analog input and output modules were formed with NI-9215 and NI-9263 modules. In this controller, length L of the control filter was set to 50 taps, the initial step ...
The notch filter used in the computation is a 16th-order Chebyshev Type II infinite impulse response filter with a −3 dB notch bandwidth of 0.01 Hz and a stopband attenuation of 80 dB. Figure 6. Comparison of heartbeat waveforms obtained by different methods. (a) heartbeat waveform ...
(AD9201) and fed to a Xilinx FPGA module (OpalKelly, XEM3005), which performs frequency demodulation and Manchester decoding and sends the received data to a PC via a USB link. In addition, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on Labview/C software was implemented to allow data saving ...