Solved: I have a channel named test if the channel exists a warning must say ok if the channel does not exist a warning that says ko. - 11497595
400 DeliveryChannelNotExists The delivery channel does not exist. 投递渠道不存在。 404 AccountNotExisted Your account does not exist. - 503 ServiceUnavailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. 服务不可用。 访问错误中心查看更多错误码。 上一篇:ListConfigDeliveryChannels...
Actually, this channel does not exist in reality, it only utilizes information hiding technology to build a logical channel over a public channel. The establishment of the covert channel is key for an information hiding system. Once the covert channel is found or destroyed, then the whole ...
400 DeliveryChannelNotExists The delivery channel does not exist. 投递渠道不存在。 400 Invalid.DeliveryChannelAssumeRoleArn.Format The specified format of DeliveryChannelAssumeRoleArn is invalid. 参数DeliveryChannelAssumeRoleArn格式错误。 400 Invalid.DeliveryChannelTargetArn.Format The specified format of Deliv...
it allows the API to be expressed in such a way that certain edge cases that you don't want to care about when only sending a single message on a channel does not exist. For example: The sender can't be copied or cloned, and the send method takes ownership and consumes the sender....
channel-type definition does not exist, the default is LU62. USECLTID 指定客户机标识应该用于对 AMQP 通道(而不是 MCAUSER 属性值)的授权检查。 否 MCA 用户标识应该用于授权检查。 YES 客户机标识应用于授权检查。 USEDLQ 确定当通道无法传递消息时是否使用死信队列。 NO 通道无法传递的消息将被视为失败。
If the tenant does not exist, you must create a tenant. Step 2 Right clickApplication Profiles, clickCreate Application Profile, and perform the following actions: In theNamefield, enter a name for the application profile. ClickSubmit.
The .NET Remoting framework does not create the sinks directly. Instead, it creates "sink providers" that are then responsible for creating the actual sinks. Providers and sinks almost always form a one-to-one relationship, meaning that a single provider is used to create a ...
The group an existing channel will only be changed if the channel does not already belong to a group. All other fields are ignored for channels that already exist. Java documentation for Portions of ...
If the tenant does not exist, you must create a tenant. Step 2 Right clickApplication Profiles, clickCreate Application Profile, and perform the following actions: In theNamefield, enter a name for the application profile. Cli...