Discord 服务器频道附件下载器 BOT 基本信息: 这是Discord Bot,它从指定的服务器频道下载所有附件。 您必须在服务器上管理员的使用许可使用内置的NodeJS机器人,爱可信和Discord.js只与Windows 10进行测试 设置: 首先,你需要拥有安装在计算机/计算机上要安装访问的NodeJS:当你完成了安装,你需要创建一个不和谐的机器...
slash("leave", "Makes the bot leave the server") .setGuildOnly(true) // this doesn't make sense in DMs .setDefaultPermissions(DefaultMemberPermissions.DISABLED) // only admins should be able to use this command. ); // Then finally send your commands to discord using the API commands....
Lets you refer to a google sheet and gain an embed in a Discord channel botspreadsheetgoogle-sheetdiscord-channel UpdatedJan 7, 2021 JavaScript a basic script to send messages as requests at specific time intervals with an authorization token and channel ID(s) as input for educational purposes ...
You have done a setup Discord Bot and server. How do you remove yourself from voice channel discord? If you don’t want to be part of a voice channel in Discord, then it is very simple to leave it. You can either use Discord’s desktop app or mobile application to leave a voice ch...
I will forward telegram channels to discord 5.0(1) FromUS$50 I will create a telegram channel, telegram bot, telegram promotion FromUS$30 I will crypto telegram promotion, telegram group promotion, telegram channel FromUS$20 L Lukas S. ...
Description:Emit new event for each message posted to one or more channels Version:0.0.18 Key:discord_bot-new-message-in-channel View on GitHub Code# sources/new-message-in-channel/new-message-in-channel.mjs import{DEFAULT_POLLING_SOURCE_TIMER_INTERVAL}from"@pipedream/platform";importmaxByfrom...
You'd have to add something toassuming the prompt to make them join a waiting room channel or something, then when they've done thatdefault permission for @everyone is view_channel: false and send_messages: false, you can set their channel withdo this to allow the member to see it: my...
Bot检查ctx.channel的名称是否在给定的列表discord.py 为什么不反过来比较呢? if ctx.channel.name in ['cmd', 'bot', 'command'] EDIT: if any(ctx.channel.name in ['cmd', 'bot', 'command'] PS:on_message不接受ctx作为参数,它接受message ...
if (event.getAuthor().isBot()) { return; } event.getJDA().getGuilds().get(0).getMembers().forEach(user->user.getUser().openPrivateChannel().queue()); event.getJDA().getPrivateChannels().forEach(privateChannel -> privateChannel.sendMessage("ZDAROVA").queue()); ...
获取频道对象 channel = client.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID) # 获取频道中的消息历史记录 messages = await channel.history(limit=None).flatten() # 删除邮件消息 for message in messages: if message.type == discord.MessageType.default: await message.delete() # 运行Discord客户端 client.run('YOUR_...