Channel 4 Sales has secured retailer Waitrose, in a deal brokered by MG OMD, as the new sponsor of fan favourite, The Great British Bake Off. As the official broadcast sponsor, Waitrose idents will feature around the forthcoming Bake Off line up on Cha
而几个大型在播节目包括The Great British Bake Off、Gogglebox、Hollyoaks和Big Fat Quiz,也深受英国民众喜欢,收视率也一直不错。 在不断的发展中,Channel 4也支持了当地的经济和就业,其委托安永会计师事务所的一项研究显示,Channel 4为英国经济贡献了9.92亿英镑(13.6亿美元),并支持了10,600个工作岗位。 但尽管如...
而几个大型在播节目包括The Great British Bake Off、Gogglebox、Hollyoaks和Big Fat Quiz,也深受英国民众喜欢,收视率也一直不错。 在不断的发展中,Channel 4也支持了当地的经济和就业,其委托安永会计师事务所的一项研究显示,Channel 4为英国经济贡献了9.92亿英镑(13.6亿美元),并支持了10,600个工作岗位。 但尽管如...
Dame Prue Leithsaid, “I'm absolutely thrilled to share that we're serving up another delightful season of The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer this spring on Channel 4. Brace yourself for a delectable lineup of bakers, each with their own unique flair in the kitchen – s...
Cake Week: The new bakers tackle a striking sponge and a home close to their hearts in cake form First shown: Tue 13 Sep 2022 | 68 mins Take Part Brilliant with brioche? Marvellous with meringue? Then why not put your baking skills to the test... Apply for Bake Off...
第4 频道“The Great British Bake Off”的主持人合影 潜在的买家可能包括英国商业广播公司,如ITV和SKY,或是在英国拥有广播电视业务和流媒体业务的国际公司,如Discovery和派拉蒙。 据每日电讯报报道,Channel 4出售的投标将于明年进行,预计在2024年新一轮选举前完成整个出售流程。
而几个大型在播节目包括The Great British Bake Off、Gogglebox、Hollyoaks和Big Fat Quiz,也深受英国民众喜欢,收视率也一直不错。 在不断的发展中,Channel 4也支持了当地的经济和就业,其委托安永会计师事务所的一项研究显示,Channel 4为英国经济贡献了9.92亿英镑(13.6亿美元),并支持了10,600个工作岗位。
英国电视台 Channel 4 为了给最新播出的美食真人秀节目 The Great British Bake Off 造势,出了一个蜜汁搞怪的宣传视频,将所有的烘焙食物都变成行走的表情包...唱悲伤情歌的面团,吹泡泡的奶油巧克力兄弟、打盹的发酵面包...有趣中带点鬼畜,可爱中带点黑色幽默。O网页链接 动图 动图...
The programme airs tonight at 7.05pm on Channel 4. [00:00:37] PROGRAMME PROMOTION:forJunior Bake Off. The new series starts 6th January on Channel 4. [00:00:57] IDENT:one of the Christmas Channel 4 idents is used to link intoThe Bear. ...
The Great British Bake Off and dark new comedy Obituary are among the highlights Sun Sept 24 2023 - 06:00 The Truth About the ‘Skinny’ Jab: Are weight-loss injections a magic wand or potential health disaster? Television: Presenter Anna Richardson explores how drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy...