Channel SubstrateLegacy SedimentAnthropogenic ChangeSediment BudgetEfforts to restore urban rivers require an understanding of human-influenced changes in channel substrates. This study uses three naturally-occurring oxbows in a 3.5 km reach of Swan Creek, flowing through the City of Toledo, Ohio (USA)...
(minus 8 degrees), Bowling Green, Kentucky (minus 7 degrees), Greensboro, North Carolina (10 degrees), Nashville, Tennessee (5 degrees - tie), Cincinnati, Ohio (minus 6 degrees), Springfield, Missouri (minus 5 degrees), Asheville, North Carolina (3 degrees) and Lynchburg, Virginia (4 ...
Temperatures dropped into the 40s on Friday morning as far south as Atlanta and record low temperatures were set in Toledo, Ohio (23), Flint, Michigan (24), Grand Rapids, Michigan (25) and Cleveland, Ohio (27). Chicago tied their record low of 29 degrees. ...
1/219 An airplane slid off a runway at New York City's LaGuardia Airport on Thursday, March 5, 2015 during Winter Storm Thor. There were no reports of serious injuries. (Twitter/@NYPDSpecialops) The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the...