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Harrison, H. M., "Returns From Tagged Channel Catfish In the Des Moines River, Iowa," Iowa Academy of Science Vol. 60 1953 (pp.636-644).Harrison, Harry M. 1953. Returns from tagged channel catfish in the Des Moines River, Iowa. J. Iowa Acad. Sci., 60:636-644....
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Iowa State Fair opens this week with none of the political celebrity typical of the late-summer festival in the leadoff presidential caucus state.
Less than two months later, a practice green took the same punishment from a lightning strike in Des Moines, Iowa. Rick Tegtmeier, Director of Grounds at the Des Moines Golf and Country Club, said on his Twitter account that the strike even melted the cup, giving an indication of the ...
Antonia Lofasokeeps her wallet full with irresistible Mexican munchies in Venice Beach, California,Duff Goldmansaves a ton as he takes on the enormous Orca Platter in Washington, D.C., andAli Khangets incredible bang for his buck with a one-of-a-kind meal in Des Moines, Iowa, that you ...
But then, as predicted by computer models but defying climatological odds, the storm went on to bring snow to a wide swath of the Plains and Upper Midwest. Preliminary data indicates statewide snowfall records for the month of May may have been broken in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, all ...
2002和2004年两次应邀在美国IOWA Des Moines举办夫妇二人美术作品展览。2011年应俄罗斯画廊邀请主办个人小型油画展,并有作品被购藏;著长篇童话《猪往前拱》、《天坑动物恩仇录》、《一个动物王朝的覆亡》(作家出版社2016年出版)、长篇小说《儒匪》(青岛出版社2017年出版) ,长篇童话《纸人国》(辽宁少儿出版社出版);...
1948. Food habits of the southern channel catfish (lcta~rus lacustri2 punctatus) in the Des Moines River, Iowa. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 75:110-138.Bailey, R. M. and H. M. Harrison, Jr. 1948 . Food habits of the southern channel catfish ( Ictalurus lacustris punctatus ) in the ...