There is a way to change the mouse cursor icon when it hovers over certain areas of a web page. It's done with the CSScursorproperty. Generally, the mouse cursor is an arrow that changes to something else depending on context. An example is when the cursor becomes a vertical bar as it...
As you go about doing the things that you do on your computer, your mouse cursor will change. While this change may just seem cosmetic, the mouse cursor gives you important feedback on what is going on. When you hover over a textfield, your cursor will change to one that enables text ...
bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3) bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session) bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you real...
Then you move the mouse pointer slowly to a text field, like the search bar in the Windows task bar at the bottom left. When you reach the edge the cursor jumps to the opposite side of the screen, right when he is turning into a text cursor. When you move approximately ...
After connecting my secondary monitor (old Acer, 1280x1024) I noticed that whenever the mouse cursor is changing, for example while moving the pointer over a form field or text in firefox or moving it over the "border" of an application window, it's "jumping" a bit. This is quite...
Why does my mouse pointer change to a scroll bar? When you click the scroll wheel on your mouse, it will convert your mouse cursor into a scroll bar. Now, you can scroll vertically by moving your mouse without using the scroll wheel. If this thing occurs on your computer frequently, the...
I believe the cursor your affecting is only the one applicable to your application. Since your mouse is over the desktop it is not applicable. May we all make money in the sequel. Thursday, May 31, 2012 8:52 PM | 2 votes Mobile, You might want to try something like this: With Me ...
This simple example shows how to change the button text to "Cancel" and not have the cursor be an hourglass when over the button, but you can adapt it to your specific needs. Q** Is there any way to obtain the absolute XPath of a node within a document ? For example, consider the...
Check other cursor settings: While in the "Cursor & pointer" settings, you can also review the other cursor-related settings to ensure they are configured to your preference. Restart your computer: After making these changes, restart your computer to apply the settings. If the Text cursor indic...
On MRS Manager, move the mouse cursor to in the upper right corner. On the menu that is displayed, select Change Password. Fill in the Old Password, New Password, and Confirm Password. Click OK. For the cluster, the default password complexity requirements are as follows: The password ...