This paper is a combination of political economy and critical discourse analysis of public texts about the common agricultural policy (CAP) by concerned agents and the EU’s agricultural Commissioner in the period of November, 2004 until October, 2007. The analysis reveals how concerned agents artic...
Duffy, M. 2006. The changing structure of agriculture. Available online at: http://www.econ.i Changingstructureag.ppt.Duffy, M., 2006. The changing structure of agriculture. In: Presentation to the Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa, Rural Agents ...
rainfall patterns, timing of flowering, outbreaks of new pests and diseases, asynchrony and system interaction among pests and biological control agents, and reduction in agrobiodiversity). In addition, climate conditions in many parts of the tropics will become increasingly variable. All of this ...
Agents that are normally innocuous can have high morbidity and mortality rates in individuals with immu‑ nological deficits, whether those deficits are due to genetic mutations, age, malnutrition, a co-occurring infection (for example, HIV/ AIDS), or complications of cancer treatment or ...
monetary authorities have had to work hard to provide incentives for financial agents around the world to hold dollar assets. The policies required to preserve dollar hegemony have evolved over time as global conditions have changed. Today, the dollar system is once again experiencing significant ...
News on health: breaking news on sodas, aspartame, Bill Gates & Golden Rice, autism, aborted fetal cells in research, caramelizing agents in Coke and Pepsi, antibiotics used in farming Motivational and Inspirational Inspirational: photos of Hobbit from NZ, Smart Cell Phones, Essential Oils & how...
affects the health of Arctic inhabitants both directly, through risk of injury from more hazardous travel conditions, and indirectly through altered ultraviolet levels affecting health and higher temperatures increasing the northward migration of zoonotic and other disease agents (ACIA 2005; AMAP 2009). ...
FWIW, I served 100k+ employees on farms with 4 member servers (SP 2013) and two SQL Servers in AOAG (2014). Concurrent connections got up into the 10 - 15k range before the farm fell over, if I recall. Load testing was done via the VS Load Tester with multiple agents....
It can also be a challenge to decontaminate some of the surfaces, as they are often predominated by soft furnishing where it can be difficult to use cleaning agents with sufficient activity as Noro can be resistant to disinfection and present in such high loads it can be hard to remove. Th...
“I think it’s much easier for Ukraine or individual Ukrainians who have suffered as a result of this war to take action to get hold of state assets,” Bond explained, “because there’s such a clear connexion between the decisions and the actions of the state and its age...