Advanced material filters Evove A high-tech, 3D printed membrane that can filter hard-to-extract lithium directly out of underground lakes, eliminating the need for environmentally harmful evaporation ponds → Wellness Anti-Choice Ads campaign
A range of further filters were applied to the data to remove word duration outliers (likely due to measurement errors) and other problematic data points. The full details of the filters that we applied to the data set are presented in the supplementary materials.2 Following previous research (...
direct-to-consumer products bypass the typical filters and safeguards of health-care systems. The risk is that low value, or even harmful, products will inundate the commercial health-care market.”
Windows.Web.Http Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics Windows.Web.Http.Filters Windows.Web.Http.Headers Windows.Web.Syndication Windows.Web.UI Windows.Web.UI.InteropLearn Windows Apps UWP Reference Windows Runtime API Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls TextBox Events Windows...
All bial diversity, and then used pyrosequencing to filters were aseptically cut into thirds and nucleic provide a higher-resolution analysis of community acids were extracted from each segment, following structure. To assess what impact, if any, the Fuhrman et al. (1988). Briefly, the ...
2.2. Biological and chemical parameters Seawater was collected in the surface mixed layer (15 m), at the chlorophyll fluorescence maximum, and in the bottom layer using 5 L-Niskin bottles from which, three subsamples of (i) 50 mL of seawater were filtered through bonnet syringe filters (...
It consists of a detector, signal conditioner and software with four photodiodes along with filters. It has an inability to maintain adequate sensitivity at low light levels. It is inferior to scanning devices like spectrophotometers [6]; for example, Chromascan (Sterngold, Connecticut). ...
Filters were ground and 90% acetone was used to extract chlorophyll overnight, then samples were centrifuged and a Varian Cary UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used to analyze chlorophyll a concentrations. After analysis, chlorophyll a values from all three...
Spatio-Acoustic Typology Map This map shows how the urban forms can potentially create several acoustic effects (acoustic filters, mask, cutting effect, reserves of silence, urban acoustic room, sound rhythms, etc.) [2]. This map is based on a series of in situ observations that include ...
Samples containing cells of potentially ichthyotoxic species (as determined by the Cawthron Phytoplankton Monitoring Laboratory by light microscopy analysis) were filtered (Durapore membrane filters, 0.45 μm, Millipore, Bedford, OH, USA) and stored at −20 °C until DNA extraction. Genomic DNA ...