B.look at several studies into changing animal shapesC.see if the shape changes are connected to cooler environmentsD.test whether the world has got warmer in the past 150 years【4】We can learn from the fourth paragraph that ___.A.birds are growing shorter billsB.wood mice are growing ...
A He wonan honorary Oscar. B Hesuffered a serious illness. C He wasunable to express with words clearly.DHegradually disappeared in the public.4.T he underlined word "impairing"in Paragraph 4 means__. A deletingBdecliningCdamagingDdestroying ...
(3)Fromparagraph3wecanknowthat ___.A.wecanchangetheEnglishlanguageB.manylanguagesarechangingoveryearsC.Englishhaschangedlittleinthepast1,000yearsD.thereweremainchangesingrammarandpronunciation(4)Whyisthepronunciationofwordschanging? ___A.Becausepeoplechoosethewaytopronouncethem.B.Becausethosewordsaretoodifficu...
ReadingStragetegies:Summarising Readthetexttogetthegeneralideaandidentifyparagraphtopics.Underlinethekeysentenceineachparagraph(oftenthebeginningbutnotalways).Thenfindinformationthatbacksitup.Writenotesofthemainpointsandthekeyinformation.Useyourownwords.First,readthearticlequicklyandcheck yourprediction.Thenchoosethe...
and we make friendly eye contact. The person I mentioned in the preceding paragraph tends to either avoid eye contact or look over my shoulder.Smile. Always smile. It helps us to put ourselves and others at ease.Relax. Do not try too hard. We just need to be who we are – not someo...
第 6 页共 13 页 (5)If there is Paragraph 5, it may probably talk about ___. A . what to do to make the pollution less B . how to protect the Galapagos tortoises C . what the Galapagos tortoises like to eat D . how to look after the Galapagos tortoises at zoo 18...
2.根据People use different sets of words and expressions, because they have different ages, jobs, education levels(水平) and so on.可知人们用不同的单词和短语,因为他们有不同的年龄、工作和受教育水平等。故填:ages, jobs.3.根据First, it changes because the needs of its speaker change.和Another...
Directions: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph. 1. Maybe you interviewed for a job and didn’t get it, yet another one comes through that pays more and offers room for growth. 2. Some believe that everything happens for a reason, and...
Newly invented English Words D. Technology and English (2) We can infer from the first paragraph that ___. [ ] A. some people wish Shakespeare were still alive B. people may have different attitudes towards weblish C. all people welcome weblish D. web...
The paragraph rewriter tool is free for content creation. It is the best free article spinner to generate quality content. It uses synonyms of original words to rewrite sentences without changing the meaning. The rewrite of the article is a literary skill that many people think it possesses, ...