Profiles Len Apcar, editor in chief of New York Times Co. Plan of Apcar to expand on the e-mail newsletters distributed by; Employment background of Apcar in The New York Times; Job responsibility of ...
The argument has been made that long-term decisions, such as residential location or motor vehicle ownership, are not exogenous determinants of a person’s short-term mobility decisions, but rather represent a proxy for the underlying ”true” explanatory variables related to lifestyle (see, for ...
We often need to enhance the visual appeal of outdoor videos. Mostly, videos have some kind of lag due to environmental constraints. The sky replacement is the best option to make the video visually more attractive. You can replace a dull sky in your videos with a beautiful sunset, night ...
One of the best changing bags will be one of the most important items in your child-raising arsenal; your defence against poonamies and toddler tantrums. Having a single bag designed with parenting in mind - and always packed and ready to go - can make your life that little bit easier. ...
While individual consumers are questioning the value and risk of vehicle ownership, last mile providers are also crunching the numbers and asking similar questions about their company-owned fleets. Most businesses have peak periods where their fleets are stretched to capacity, and then quieter times...
AN ONLINE PROGRAMMING COURSE: CHANGING THE GAME FOR GIRLS IN STEM 43 n The transition from family-owned to corporate-owned casinos had little if any impact on ownership for Sarann Preddy.1 Rather, the difficulty of obtaining investment capital had the greater significance for her business. She ...
In February 2017, I was just coming out of a decade of mysterious chronic illness that had shrunk my world. And one of the things that finally helped me to resurface during the previous year was an online Qi Gong course I stumbled upon: Flowing Zen. To the casual observer, Qi Gong...
When considering who to notify when moving, the local post office is one of the most important! You could create real problems for yourself if you miss vital mail pieces. The U.S. Postal Service makes it easy tochange your address onlineor by going to a post office and filling out a ...
With that safety net in place, many dealers have done a lot of talking about evolving, but very little has happened that Darwin would recognize as progress. We've seen baby steps, like putting inventory online so people can search to see which dealership has the actual car they want. But...
If you have a deposit account with TD, this Agreement is in addition to your Financial Services Agreement and Financial Services can be used. We may issue a renewal Card when your current Card expires or replace it with a different card type if your Card is Terms, and is part of the ...