One of the repetitive tasks I always find myself doing for presentations and demos is adjusting the font size in VS.NET. I'll open the IDE, someone at the back of the room will announce that they can't read the font and then I'll spend a valuable 10 minutes hunting through the myri...
applications that run on Windows are using a design pattern where they ask Windows for information about the system when they launch (questions such as how big the display is, what is the display scale factor, what is the size of the font that should be used for default text, as well as...
Keep typing one zero at a time until you get the following error message in QGIS: CRITICAL Qt : DirectWrite: CreateFontFaceFromHDC() failed (Unspecified error) for QFontDef(Family="MS Shell Dlg 2", pointsize=150000, pixelsize=200000, styleHint=5, weight=50, stretch=100, hintingPreference=...
fontSize foregroundColor getColumn getColumnCount getColumnWidth getCount getCountPerPage getImagelist getItem getItemPos getNextItem getSelectedCount getStateImagelist getStringWidth getTopIndex gotFocus gridLines handle hasChanged hasUserSetting headerdragdrop height heightMode heightValue helpField helpText hierarchy...
how to set pdf font size in c# How to Set Barcode 39 Width in iTextSharp , Why Difference Barcode 39 Barcode Image How to set a html hidden field to empty in C# code behind how to set a value to TextArea How to set as start up page as Default in ASP.NET? How to set
1. While I am able to change the default dialog font at design time, when I run my app, the fonts revert back to the default font ! 2. Changing the fony messes with the dialog design and changes the size of the dialog, and the location...
When I setstretchySpaces.targetIndentationto 2 spaces on a project that has 4 spaces indentation, the Stretchy extension renders the code like the following: which should've been like this: When you scroll down, guidelines doesn't get re-render. You have to click in order to trigger renderin...
Your code should look like the following block of code: VB <div> <asp:Panel ID="Panel1"runat="server"Borderwidth="1"Width="230"BackColor="lightgray"Font-Names="Verdana, Arial, Sans Serif"> <asp:Label ID="Label1"runat="server"Text=" Display Mode"Font-Bold="true"Font-Size="8"Width...
Font-Size="8" OnClick="LinkButton1_Click" /> <asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" GroupingText="Personalization Scope" Font-Bold="true" Font-Size="8" Visible="false" > <asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton1" runat="server" Text="User" AutoPostBack="true" GroupName="Scope" OnCheckedChang...
e.Graphics.Draw String(Me.Text, Me.Font, New SolidBrush(Me.F oreColor), textRect) End Sub End Class 1) Open the Solution Explorer, Add a new Class and name the class as "myGroupBox " 2) Put the above code in this class, rebuild your project, ...