Breaking the Organizational Mold: How the U.S. Army is Changing Despite Itself since the End of the Cold WarAhern, Stephanie R
te in Latin America Changing Forms of Interest Intermediation: Popular Associations, Political Parties and the State in Latin AmericaChanging Forms of Interest Intermediation: Popular Associations, Political Parties and the State in Latin AmericaGaray, Maria C...
Autoethnography as a Form of Social Work Practice and Research: an Approach for Changing LandscapesCrawford, Frances Roberta
Export Citation: APA/MLA Format Download EndNote Download BibTex MeSH Terms Descriptor/Qualifier: Attitude of Health PersonnelAttitude to HealthCertificationCommunicationConservation of Natural Resources / economics, methods*, trendsCost SavingsElectric Power Supplies / tren...
Changing Perceptions of Intelligence and Security in CanadaFarson, StuartFarson, Stuart. 2006. "Changing Perceptions of Intelligence and Security in Canada." Conference Papers -- International Studies Association. (Accessed October 14, 2010).
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Roads to Reform: Typologies of Changing Military Courts in Latin AmericaKyle, BrettReiter, Andrew G
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Marketization, Fields, and the Changing Determinants of Organizational Form in American Mortgage Finance: Mutual Bank Conversions to For-profit CorporationsAdam GoldsteinMarc Schneiberg