吐司工坊(Jewel Changi Airport)161 条评价 人均: 94 元 口味: 8.6 环境: 8.3 服务: 8.2 地址: 78 Airport Boulevard, #B2-231, Jewel, 新加坡樟宜机场新加坡 819666 电话: 无添加 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(161) 全部 图片(146) 好评(129) 中评(30) 差评(2) 在瓮城拍照的豌豆黄 人均:92元 挺...
78 Airport Blvd., #B2 - 268, 新加坡 819666 电话:无添加 特色: 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(473) 全部图片(409)好评(425)中评(47)差评(1) 尐尐 人均:6元 T1航站楼B2,去的时候人不多,出餐比较快; 这里是人工点单,不能用会员; 走过路过都得来一杯[必吃] ...
放佛闯进了刘姥姥后花园!这家店果然名不虚传! 御宝 樟宜机场Jewel 🌟📍78 Airport Boulevard, 01-219 Jewel Changi Airport, Singapore 819666 #新加坡生活 #新加坡 - Nicole.Q妮小可于20241007发布在抖音,已经收获了38.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Named "world's best airport" for seven consecutive years by Skytrax, Changi Airport opened its new hub, "Jewel" to the public this year, and the nearly $1.3 billion dollar project — which connects three of the four terminals at Changi Airport — aims to increase the number of passengers ...
A world-class shopping experience awaits you at Jewel with a wide array of international and local brands. Visit us for more exclusive offers and deals!
新加坡Starbucks(Jewel Changi Airport),携程攻略社区! 收集携程游友对新加坡Starbucks(Jewel Changi Airport)餐馆的各种评价、印象、点评,餐厅介绍,包含Starbucks(Jewel Changi Airport)套餐、特色菜品推荐、哪个菜好吃、电话、地址、菜单、人均消费、营业时间等信息。
Jewel is an integrated project at the Singapore Airport that creates a multi-sensory experience of nature within a climate-controlled glass dome. An eight-acre garden over interior retail space integrates unexpected features that will attract adventurers of all ages. Gardens terrace down nearly 30 ...
A&W® Restaurants today officially opened its newest outlet atJewel Changi Airport. The 80-seater restaurant, located at B2-209 of the mall, will operate 24/7 for a start to serve the area’s local footfall as well as travellers going through Singapore Changi Airport. ...
"星耀樟宜"Jewel Changi Airport位于樟宜机场核心位置,是一座13.57万平方米的玻璃环形建筑,建筑高度共有十层,地上地下各五层,是一座集机场设施、景观花园、购物休闲、酒店餐饮等多功能于一体的综合性建筑。 "星耀樟宜"也是一个交通枢纽,可以连接到樟宜机场的1号、2号和3号航站楼,并直接连接到城市的公共交通系统。
新加坡樟宜机场-Jewel Changi Airport 不愧是全球最美机场,把瀑布和森林搬进机场,看到瀑布的时候,像童话一样 - @笨象旅途郭导于20240316发布在抖音,已经收获了315个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!