Changes to calendar items that are made on an iOS 8.3 device are not synchronized to Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA) mailboxes. Note This issue does not apply to all time zones or regions. Known regions that are affected include Lebano...
OutlookeventChanges to all events in a user's mailbox:/users/{id}/events,/me/eventsA maximum of 1,000 active subscriptions per mailbox for all applications is allowed. Outlook personalcontactChanges to all personal contacts in a user's mailbox:/users/{id}/contacts,/me/contactsA maximum of...
In Current Channel builds of Outlook for Microsoft 365 (version 1805 and later), you'll see a much simpler user experience when sharing a calendar if you're using a Microsoft 365 account or an account. In the new sharing experience, permission levels and o...
We recommend Dynamics 365 App for Outlook users that are using the Outlook desktop client upgrade their clients to Microsoft Outlook versions that use Microsoft Edge WebView2 or Microsoft Outlook on the web (OWA).More information: Support end for Internet Explorer....
We are in the process of deploying a change to the Outlook REST API and the Microsoft Graph that will expiresubscriptionsto Outlook-related resources (mail, calendar, contacts, tasks) automatically when one of the following events occurs:
We are in the process of deploying a change to the Outlook REST API and the Microsoft Graph that will expiresubscriptionsto Outlook-related resources (mail, calendar, contacts, tasks) automatically when one of the following events occurs:
The capability to link arbitrary Outlook items to Outlook contacts. This contact linking existed only for displaying information in the Activities tab of the contact, which is a feature that is also removed for Outlook 2013. Contact linking is replaced by the Outlook Social Connector and the New...
👩🏼🤝👩🏻 Contacts & Calendar: Batch Add Contacts From Selected Emails / Split a Contact Group to Individual Groups / Remove Birthday Reminders ... Instantly unlock Kutools for Outlook with a single click—permanently free. Don't wait, download now and boost your efficiency! Fe...
{"@odata.type":"#microsoft.graph.message","@odata.etag":"W/\"CQAAABYAAACQ2fKdhq8oSKEDSVrdi3lRAAId0MBR\"","subject":"RE: Test Outlook TimeZone","isRead":true,"id":"AAMkAGUwNjQ4ZjIxLTQ3Y2YtNDViMi1iZjc4LTMKdhq8oSKEDSVrdi3lRAAIei5geAAA=","sender": {"emailAddress": {"name":...
AddItemToMyCalendar AdditionalInfo AdditionalProperties AddNewImContactToGroup AddNewImContactToGroupResponse AddNewTelUriContactToGroup AddNewTelUriContactToGroupResponse Address (ContactType) Address (EmailAddressType) Address (string) AddressEntity Addresses (ArrayOfAddressEntitiesType) Addresses (ArrayOfAddresses...