#2466: The CKEDITOR.filter constructor accepts an additional rules parameter allowing to bind the editor and filter together. #2493: The editor.getCommandKeystroke method accepts an additional all parameter allowing to retrieve an array of all command keystrokes. #2483: Button's DOM element created...
I just found out that on Directv there is a Sun show “NASA’s Unexplained Files” where they admit that the real Sun of God has gone dark partly. The prophecy of the Sun of God going dim is fulfilled. “The Sun rules the day”. This scripture is why and how the beast system is...
XIIIRulesforOverpressureProtection IV FOREWORD Thisbookisacompaniontothe2023ASMEBollerandPressureVesselCode(BPVC).ltexplainsonlysignificantchanges toCoderequi1ementsthatwillbepublishedinthe2023Ed此ion.ItcoversthefollowingASMEBPVCSections· -SectionIll,Divisionsl,乙3,4,and5 -SectionII,PartsA,B,C,andD -Sect...
#3582: Introduced smart positioning of theAutocompletepanel used by theMentionsandEmojiplugins. The panel will now be additionally positioned related to the browser viewport to be always fully visible. #4388: Added the option to remove an iframe created with theIFrame Dialogplugin from the sequential...
More than 235 lakes in the size class of 1–10 km2 decreased to small lakes (area < 1 km2), while 59 lakes covering 243.75 km2 disappeared. Total reservoir area and number had continuous increases during the investigated 35 years, with an areal expansion of 54.9% from 919 km2 to 1422 ...