The Intercessors have announced Jesus’ coming for nearly seven years on end repetitiously. Like no other prayer they were ever given in higher language. The trumpet of God are the Watchmen and the Spirit Intercessors of God. They feel now today 11-22-2023 that FINALLY their repetitious prayer...
Are these meaningful comments coming from random people, or people in a user group relevant to your post? LinkedIn knows if comments are relevant based on the groups, hashtags, pages, and people they follow. It can also look at the posts they write, like, or comment on in the past.New...
struggling with maintaining my ability to be attentive and to be contemplative and things I value. And it’s still, even after doing the research and writing the book and coming to, I think, a better understanding of why I and
Male cards are no exception to this. The Lord of the memes, Jaraxxus himself, donned his most memeworthy T-shirt to hide his exposed torso: (Credits: u/unsubbd) Even professional players had strong opinions on the art changes. Pavel (2016 World Champion) proposed a change in the same sp...
The moment I read the title I remembered a meme video in 2021 about how Tim Cook just rotated the camera on iPhone 12 with Photoshop and called it the new iPhone 13, Guess this time He clicked the undo button. Reply 👍 🤣2 🥳 Post your comment To top ◄12 3 4► To ...
We have increased our judge server capacity and have not had a queue issue in a long while. We are in the process of scaling it 4x (and more) in the coming months, which will allow our setters to not have to worry about keeping the testfiles to a minimum. ...
Carmelo Anthony has spent his 15-year career doing one thing more than anyone else in the NBA. But as the league moves on without the non-paint 2, Anthony is trying to learn how to move with it.
setting themselves on fire and getting punched in the face to pump their crypto coins to compete against thousands of crypto meme coins flooding the market, creators are resorting to elaborate and sometimes dangerous stunts for attention. joel khalili wired is where tomorrow is realized. it is ...
Speaking of which, the aforementioned bountiful blades is probably the only weapon trait that doesn't reduce cooldowns. GS in general became an even worse weapon than it was before, and it was meme tier already; the loss of cripple (so no more interaction with
4. Continue rebalancing Apex is an exceedingly fair game, which allows players to spend time with characters and weapons that they enjoy rather than simply forcing them to take the “broken” option every time. That said, there are definitely certain Legends that are considered out-and-out bett...