Alcohol Consumption and Dementia During a mean (SD) follow-up of 6.3 (0.7) years after a 1-year lag period, there were 100 282 cases (2.5%) of all-cause dementia, 79 982 cases (2.0%) of AD, and 11 085 cases (0.3%) of VaD. Compared with sustained nondrinkers, those who ...
BACKGROUND :This study examined whether changes in quitting smoking differed according to smokers' cigarettes consumed per day (CPD) and intention to quit (ITQ) after the introduction of two tobacco control measures in Korea, a tobacco tax increase in 2015 and pictorial cigarette pack warnings (...
Changes in smoking behaviours showed heterogenous patterns in terms of tobacco use, and quitting behaviours across the countries and sex-wise. Our findings must be carefully interpreted in the light of inherent limitations of design and availability of survey data. Self-reports about smoking behaviours...
whereas they show an increase in IL-2 and IL-13 secretion after adaptive immune stimulation, compared with non-smokers (Fig.2d). Box plots of cytokine concentrations show that the levels of CXCL5 in past smokers and non-smokers are not...
These findings suggest an immediate decrease in serious quitting activity among US smokers after the COVID-19 pandemic onset, a decrease that persisted throughout 2020. NRT sales results suggest a continuation of this trend in 2021 quarter 1 but potentially a return to expected levels in 2021 ...
However, if the goods are substitutes and harmful drinking patterns amplify, then a negative unintended consequence might occur after cigarette prices increase. As policymakers may focus on the reduction of cigarette and alcohol consumption by youth and young adults as a reason for raising excise ...
Lifestyle included smoking status, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and sleep problems. Logistic regression models were used to examine the associations between sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle change among frail participants. After frailty, a higher proportion of individuals reported ...
“may be contemplating but who were not currently considering quitting” were recruited. At baseline, both groups exhibited an increase in cravings following exposure to smoking-related cues and this was correlated with an increase in activity of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) suggesting ...
Although there could be poorer memory function after short-term nicotine withdrawal,35 prolonged smoking cessation might ameliorate withdrawal-induced cognitive deficits through neuroadaptive recovery. Analyses stratified by age, sex, and alcohol consumption yielded results that were generally consistent with ...
Abstract Importance Although many people report a desire to quit smoking, concerns about mental health worsening after quitting are often raised by clinicians and people who smoke. Objective To assess changes in mental health following smoking cessation using 3 confirmatory coprimary analytical approaches...