change root_cause_alarm rule命令用于设置告警根因表中的相关参数:规则是否生效,生效时非根因告警的延时时间、等待恢复时间。 命令格式 change root_cause_alarm rule rule_id=? { delay_time=? | recover_time=? } change root_cause_alarm rule rule_id=? switch=? 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 rule_id...
8、change_root_password #!/bin/bashrpm -qsshpass &>/dev/null|| yum -yinstall sshpass export SSHPASS=1NET=10.0.0fori in {1..7};do{ PASS=`openssl rand -base64 9`sshpass -e ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no$NET.$i"echo $PASS|passwd --stdin root &> /dev/null echo $NET.$i:$P...
change root_cause_alarm rule rule_id=? { delay_time=? | recover_time=? } change root_cause_alarm rule rule_id=? switch=? Parameters Parameter Description Value rule_id=? ID of a rule in the root cause alarm table. The value must be an integer from 1 to 400. switch=? Switch of ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于sudo: unable to change to root的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及sudo: unable to change to root问答内容。更多sudo: unable to change to root相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进
You should analyze NN scenarios, in each scenario ii consider node ii to be the root of the tree. In a rooted tree, you are allowed to cut exactly one edge. When you do this, all nodes that are connected to the root through this edge disappear. Count how many of the N−1N−...
Hi community,Recently I had tried to change root with pivot_root.But I cannot umount the old root.After some googling I summarize following steps.mount /dev/mmcblk3p2 /newroot cd /newroot unshare -m pivot_root . mntexec chroot . sh -c "umount /old_root; ...
public static readonly ExceptionCode PERSIST_CANT_CHANGE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_PATH Visual C++ public: static initonly ExceptionCode^ PERSIST_CANT_CHANGE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_PATH JavaScript FileNet.Api.Exception.ExceptionCode.persisT_CANT_CHANGE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_PATH See Also ExceptionCode Class FileNet.Api.Exception ...
Mysql Intro - Change Root Password 1. clean previous mysql sudo apt-get purge mysql* sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean 2. for mysql 5.7 or above The following command is ok mysql -u root -p But the following command is not ok....
108KX861, 0, 0, 1DSChangeRoot DLLB09A501E28764B5B40D72A00A2839B91 该文件总计2个版本,请下载到本地查看详情 如何选择&使用 第一步:您从我们网站下载下来文件之后,先将其解压(一般都是zip压缩包)。 第二步:然后根据您系统的情况选择X86/X64,X86为32位电脑,X64为64位电脑。 如果您不知道是X86还是X64...
命令有没?有你在/sbin/ 下使用哈 估计是环境变量路径的问题 也就是你直接找个命令的路径 在用命令 只要有命令 就可以root下使用的