Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) Open GIS images Save GIS images Import vector data You can import files with points, lines, paths, and polygons onto your maps. Open Google Earth Pro. ClickFileOpen. Select the type of file you want to import or chooseAll data import formats. ...
Here, we integrate ground and Earth observation data to map annual forest-related greenhouse gas emissions and removals globally at a spatial resolution of 30 m over the years 2001–2019. We estimate that global forests were a net carbon sink of −7.6 ± 49 GtCO2e yr−1, ...
Time-series data are the best way to identify long-term changes in an ecosystem24. Ocean-colour sensors are known to perform quite differently to each other—even copies of the same sensor on a different satellite platform16. Thus, the 20-year MODIS-Aqua record, as the longest single-sensor...
Google Scholar Burke L, Bryant D, McManus JW, Spalding M (1998) Reefs at risk: A map based indicator of threats to the world’s coral reefs. World Resources Institute, Washington DC Google Scholar Caraco NF, Cole JJ (1999) Human impact on nitrate export: An analysis using world major...
ArcView GIS was coupled with HEC-RAS to produce a flood map for flood discharge of different return periods. Google-Earth software was applied to depict the extent of floodplain in actual landscape. The inflow hydrographs for 4 return periods (50-, 100-, 500- and 1,000-year) were routed...
In this scenario, performing change detection with CNNs has the objective of providing a fast and useful analysis of an area that can be integrated into traditional post-processing workflows on the ground stations, which combine results from several algorithms to obtain a final map of all the c...
Map.addLayer(dataset, treeCoverVisParam, 'tree cover'); var treeLossVisParam = { bands: ['lossyear'], min: 0, max: 20, palette: ['yellow', 'red'] }; Map.addLayer(dataset, treeLossVisParam, 'tree loss year'); 1. 2.
Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: A new map of life on Earth a new global map of terrestrial ecoregions provides an innovative tool for conserving biodiversity BioScience, 51 (11) (2001), pp. 933-938 Google Scholar Pan et al., 2010 Y. Pan, J.M. Chen, R. Birdsey, K. McCullough,...
The global distribution and trajectory of tidal flats | Nature 代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 vardataset=ee.ImageCollection('UQ/murray/Intertidal/v1_1/global_intertidal');varvisualization={bands:['classification'],min:0.0,max:1.0,palette:['0000FF']};Map.setCenter(126.6339,37.4394,10);Map.addLay...
Supplementary information on GAMI authors, literature searches, inclusion and exclusion criteria and the code book. Reporting Summary Supplementary Table 1 The ROSES map report. Supplementary Table 2 A list of the literature included and excluded. ...