But the error couldn't be reproduced in personal accounts, so just try in this PR to install a lower version of NPM so just try to convert all npm install to yarn add in this PR. Hope it works. If use yarn, it would have the following error: # Executing command: npx cypress run ...
Autobrr web appears to take this long per product to resolve dependencies: yarn: 70s npm: 30s pnpm: 15s yarn doesn't result in a cache at all for subsequent runs, which to me is a bug but too much time has already been lost to something as silly as that.
This package is intended as a successor to@atlaskit/build-releaseswith a more general focus. It works inboltmulti-package repositories,yarn workspacesmulti-package repositories, and in single-package repositories. Getting Started If you are installing this in a monorepo run yarn add @changesets/cli...
只允许pnpm 当在项目中使用pnpm时,如果不希望用户使用yarn或者npm安装依赖,可以将下面的这个preinstall脚本添加到工程根目录下的package.json中: { "scripts": { "preinstall": "npx only-allow pnpm" } } preinstall脚本会在install之前执行,现在,只要有人运行npm install或yarn install,就会调用only-allow去限制...
yarn-name:Create Release Pull Request or Publish to npmid:changesetsuses:changesets/action@v1with:#This expects you to have a script called release which does a build for your packages and calls changeset publishpublish:yarn releaseenv:GITHUB_TOKEN:${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}NPM_TOKEN:${{ ...
npm install on-change Usage importonChangefrom'on-change';constobject = {foo:false,a: {b: [ {c:false} ] } };letindex =0;constwatchedObject = onChange(object,function(path, value, previousValue, applyData){console.log('Object changed:', ++index);console.log('this:',this);console.log...
pnpm跟npm、yarn一样,都是用于管理Node包依赖的管理器。 根据官网的描述,它的主要优点如下: 能够大大节省磁盘空间,不同于npm,同一个依赖被不同的项目使用时,都会被重复安装一次,而pnpm则会将依赖按版本进行存储,如果在存储中心能够找到此依赖,则会将包里的文件硬链接到存储中心中对应依赖的位置,不会重复安装。
To check that PRs contain a changeset, we recommend usingthe changeset bot, or if you want to fail builds on a changesets failure, runyarn changeset statusin CI. To make releasing easier, you can usethis changesets github actionto automate creating versioning pull requests, and optionally publ...
Yarn 1.22.19 -> 1.22.22 To learn more about this image, check ourUbuntu 20.04 page. (Improved) Ubuntu 22.04 image update (New)Packages: PHP 8.2.23, 8.3.11 Ruby 3.3.5 (Updated)Updated packages: Kernel -> ...
npm=>10.8.0 pnpm=>9.1.3 yarn=>1.22.22 turbo=>1.13.3 changesets=>2.27.5 请注意文档时效和工具版本,浏览前建议查看官方文档,以获得最新信息! 前置准备 pnpm 使用 workspace Node corepack 使用 pnpm 切换国内镜像源 Turorepo 本文档搭配corepack更佳~ 还需要掌握pnpm的workspace相关知识哦~ ...