Removed sentence which incorrectly stated that OpenType fonts that include CFF data must set numberOfHMetrics equal to the number of glyphs in the font. 'post' Table Updated content related to glyph names in the post table. OS/2 Table Added section on sTypoAscender, sTypoDescender, sTypoLine...
or phrase by another word or phrase; - usually a restriction of the scope of the word modified; as, in the phrase "a billion dollars is a relatively small sum to spend on cancer research" the modification of small by relatively is needed to make the sentence accurate, rather than ...
Previously, masking was applied to both token-level and sentence-level features. Make it possible to use null entities in stories. Introduce a skip_validation flag in order to speed up reading YAML files that were already validated. Fixed a bug in interactive training that lead to crashes for...
rasa.core.nlg.generator generate() now takes in utter_action as a parameter. The terminology template is deprecated and replaced by response. Support for template in the NaturalLanguageGenerator will be removed in Rasa Open Source 3.0.0. rasa.shared.core.domain The property templates is deprecated...