What to do after you get your new number Share your new wireless number with people you want to have it. Anyone calling your old number will get a message that it isn’t a working number. Create a new voicemail greeting. Have an iPhone®? Sync your device with your Apple ID if you...
etc and you notice your cell phone is either low on juice or has no signal, here is a tip that very well may save your life. Change the voicemail on your phone to a message that gives your approximate location, the time, the date, your situation (lost, out of gas, car broken down...
As a general rule, return pages and voicemail messages only from familiar or recogniza- ble area codes. You may call your directory assistance or long-distance operator to check on the area code location (there may be a charge for this call). Consumers and businesses should contest any ...
What to do after you get your new number Share your new wireless number with people you want to have it. Anyone calling your old number will get a message that it isn’t a working number. Create a new voicemail greeting. Have an iPhone®? Sync your device with your Apple ID if you...