Read More: How to Change Axis Titles in Excel Method 2 – Change Axis Label Without Changing Data Here is our data and chart: STEPS: Right-click the Category label and click Select Data. A Select Data Source dialog box opens. Click Edit from the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels list. ...
UnderVertical Axis CrossesorHorizontal Axis Crosses, select one of the three options. Automaticwill place the axis in the default position. At Category Numberallows you to select which category the axis appears before. The default is zero; a higher number will move the position of the axis into...
In a separate column, type the month’s respective numbers serially and select the data. Press OK. The horizontal axis data has been replaced in the Select Data Source panel like this. Read More: How to Change Chart Data Range in Excel Step 3 – Modify Data for Changing X-Axis Values...
After free installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below: 1. Click Kutools > Charts > Change chart color by value. See screenshot: 2. In the popping dialog, do as these: 1) Select the chart type you want, then select the axis labels and series values separately except column headers...
In charts, axis labels are shown below the horizontal (also known ascategory) axis, next to the vertical (also known asvalue) axis, and, in a 3-D chart, next to the depth axis. The chart uses text from your source data for axis labels. To change the label, you can change the t...
In achart you createin Excel for the web, axis labels are shown below the horizontal axis and next to the vertical axis. Your chart uses text in the source data for these axis labels. To change the text of the category labels on the horizontal axis: ...
Layout 11: Layout 11 shows the following chart elements: Legend (Right), Horizontal Axis, Vertical Axis, and Major Gridlines. Any Layout Style you have chosen is how the layout is going to be. How to apply styles to the chart in Excel ...
Because the scale of the line chart's horizontal (category) axis cannot be changed as much as the scale of the vertical (value) axis that is used in the xy (scatter) chart, consider using an xy (scatter) chart instead of a line chart if you have to...
Learn how to customize and change the X axis values in Excel to enhance your data visualization. Follow these instructions to modify the X axis in Excel.
To change the point where you want the horizontal (category) axis to cross the vertical (value) axis, underFloor crosses at, clickAxis value, and then type the number you want in the text box. Or, clickMaximum axis valueto specify that the horizontal (ca...