Touch the three horizontal bar, "hamburger" icon in the upper left corner Touch the gear icon to go to Settings Scroll down to the teal green "Voicemail" section. Right under "Voicemail", is "Voicemail greeting". Touch that! You are now on a screen that is titled Voicemail gree...
Remember back in 2007, the days when Verizon ruled all and limited everything: data, voice, voicemail, music? They charged $2.50 for a friggin ring-tone back then! Apple has helped wrest control from the phone companies. The original iPhone plan was $60/mo for unlimited voice, data, ...
You want to create a voicemail service separate from your phone number. Our guide oncreating a burner phone numberrecommends the best apps and everything you need to know when making a burner phone number. We recommend Google Voice as the top choice as it's easy to set up and free to u...