At the command prompt, type fdisk, and then press ENTER. When you are prompted to enable large disk support, click Yes. Click Set active partition, press the number of the partition that you want to make active, and then press ENTER. Press ESC. Remove the boot floppy disk, and then ...
Step 3. In the command line window, input manage-bde -changepassword X: and press Enter. You need to replace the X value with the real drive letter of your drive. Step 4. Wait for a few seconds, once the Type the new password prompt appears, type the new password and press Enter....
Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98: On a client computer that is running Windows 95 or Windows 98, the net use * /home command will fail with an "Access Denied" error message if the Authenticated Users group is not gran...
3. Under theOther userssection, you can see all the user accounts on the Windows 11 system. Click the account that you need administrator permission for and clickChange account type. 4. SelectAdministratorand clickOKto save the change. If you need to change the Administrator account to the S...
If you turned on For improved security, only allow Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts on this device (aka: passwordless sign-in), you will not see the Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer check box until you turn off For improved security, only allow ...
Type exit, and then press ENTER to quit the command prompt. How to Specify an IP Address To assign an IP address to the network adapter, follow these steps: Click Use the following IP address if you want to specify the IP address for the network adapter. In the IP address box, typ...
Each user should have a unique copy of the .ini files for an application. This prevents instances where different users might have incompatible application configurations (for example, different default directories or screen resolutions). When the system is in install mode (that is,change user /ins...
Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98: On a client computer that is running Windows 95 or Windows 98, the net use * /home command will fail with an "Access Denied" error message if the Authenticated Users group is not gran...
This prevents instances where different users might have incompatible application configurations (for example, different default directories or screen resolutions). When the system is in install mode (that is, change user/install), several things occur. All registry entries that are created are ...
Windows:C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Docker\settings-store.json Linux:~/.docker/desktop/settings-store.json General On theGeneraltab, you can configure when to start Docker and specify other settings: Start Docker Desktop when you sign in to your computer. Select to automatically start ...