in an old municipal factory building in Beijing. A day before the opening, there was still sawdust on the floor, and two of our engineers worked so hard to get our systems ready that they slept overnight on folding cots. When we opened, it was the first ...
The parameter estimates derived with the use of panel data are found to be robust even if regressors are of mixed order of integration (both stationary and non-stationary), but the dependent variable should be of order I(1), which holds true in our present case. Therefore, the application ...
摘要:Trans-boundary highways have increasingly complemented trade agreements as instruments of global economic integration, and both have incurred political protest. This article presents a comparative analysis of two recently proposed trans-boundary highway projects, the Trans-Texas Corridor from Mexico thr...
As a result, in 2019, the TCCC risk function engaged a third party risk modeling expert to explore the integration of climate-related data into the modeling of the future frequency and severity of extreme weather events at our facilities across the world. 39 The Coca-Cola Company CDP ...
The Hyogo Framework for Action specifically identifies the need to "promote the integration of risk reduction associated with existing climate variability and future climate change into strategies for the reduc- tion of disaster risk and adaptation to climate change" (UNISDR, 2005). Similar sentiment ...
The acquisition of dynamic coastline change at fine spatial and temporal resolution is essential for enhancing sustainable coastal economic development and coastal environmental conservation. Port construction, land reclamation, urban development, and sediment deposition have resulted in extensive coastline change...
A total of 1526 publications were identified using the SCOPUS database, of which 67 were selected for the present study. The vulnerability assessment methods as well as the adaptation and resilience measures that have been employed to alleviate the impact of climate change in the food supply ...
Integration of SPOT-5 and ETM+ images to Detect Land Cover Change in Urban Environment IEEE Inter. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp. (2005), pp. 25-29 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar El-Asmar and Hereher, 2010 H.M. El-Asmar, M.E. Hereher Change detection of the coastal zone east of the Ni...
order to take advantage of course credits and to enrol in courses, which can lead some of them to feel unwelcome or even marginalised by their new institution or degree programme (Chin-Newman & Shaw,2013). Transfer students can also struggle with social integration as they try to find their...
The first reported cases of HIV in India were diagnosed among female sex workers (FSW) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu in 1986 [1]. Since that time, FSW have been regarded as one of the most high-risk populations behind the rising tide of HIV/AIDS in South Asia. India’s epidemic has followed...