The thing about collations is that although database have it's own collation, every table, and every column can have it's own collation. If not specified it takes the default of it's parent object, but can be different. When you change collation of database, it will be new default for...
3 Change Collation 改变表的排序规则 对字符串字段,它会生成ALTER语句,例子如下 ALTERTABLE[CalendarTemplate]ALTERCOLUMN[REF_NO] nvarchar(50)COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOTNULLALTERTABLE[CalendarTemplate]ALTERCOLUMN[FIRST_DAY]char(1)COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULLALTERTABLE[CalendarTemplate...
CREATE TABLE和ALTER TABLE的 COLLATE 子句,如以下示例所示。 就地转换。请考虑下面定义的一个现有表: SQL -- NVARCHAR column is encoded in UTF-16 because a supplementary character enabled collation is usedCREATETABLEdbo.MyTable (CharColNVARCHAR(50)COLLATELatin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC);-- VARCHAR colum...
sys.databases (Transact-SQL) SQL Server 排序规则名称 (Transact-SQL) Windows 排序规则名称 (Transact-SQL) COLLATE (Transact-SQL) 排序规则优先级 CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) CREATE DATABASE ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL) ALTER DATABASE (Transact-SQL) ...
sys.databases (Transact-SQL) SQL Server 排序规则名称 (Transact-SQL) Windows 排序规则名称 (Transact-SQL) COLLATE (Transact-SQL) 排序规则优先级 CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) CREATE DATABASE ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL) ALTER DATABASE (Transact-SQL) ...
The server collation acts as the default collation for all system databases that are installed with the instance of SQL Server, and also any newly created user databases.You should carefully consider the server-level collation, because it can affect:...
The server collation acts as the default collation for all system databases that are installed with the instance of SQL Server, and also any newly created user databases.You should carefully consider the server-level collation, because it can affect:...
The server collation acts as the default collation for all system databases that are installed with the instance of SQL Server, and also any newly created user databases.You should carefully consider the server-level collation, because it can affect:...
The server collation acts as the default collation for all system databases that are installed with the instance of SQL Server, and also any newly created user databases.You should carefully consider the server-level collation, because it can affect:...
The server collation acts as the default collation for all system databases that are installed with the instance of SQL Server, and also any newly created user databases.You should carefully consider the server-level collation, because it can affect:...