Cohort effect: Cohorts before the PRC and of the early PRC have a higher recognition of authority; the cohort of the Cultural Revolution has the lowest level of recognition for "whether to give greater respect to authority," while the cohorts born after reform and opening-up tend to have a...
Using the algorithm, there were significant associations in men between prccontemplation status for diet and drinking and diet and physical activity, in women between diet and smoking and in both men and women between drinking and smoking. Covariance between precontemplation status for different health...
As approved by the CBRC and the People's Bank of China, the Bank issued the aforesaid tier-2 capital bonds in principal amount of RMB28 billion in the inter-bank bond market of the PRC on 18 August 2014. The proceeds will be used to replenish tier-2 capital of the Bank in accordance...
PowerSearch in SQL files(sql/pkb/pkd/fnc/prc) did ignore the PL/SQL Comments option. PowerSearch replace in record-group queries wasn't working when not connected (tried to reparse column information) 2.00.0401 - Released on 29-Nov-2007 script engine fix for using "Default parameters" in...
Whenever the data allowed, we made adjustments for baseline status. Sample size for each outcome and time-point were recorded in case of attrition or exclusion. Positive effect sizes indicated that the intervention group had a better outcome than the control group. When declining values of a ...
The retail price change record is placed in an H (held) status with the message Rtl Prc > Approval %. You can approve and release the retail price change record from hold at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen.Example: Here is an example of how the system determines whether a ...
(65.1% of known tree species) to assess the spatial pattern of tree species’ phylogenetic endemism, its macroecological drivers, and how future pressures may affect the conservation status of the identified hotspots. We found that low-to-mid latitudes host most endemism hotspots, with current ...
National Development and Reform Commission, People’s Republic of China (NDRCPRC), 2007: China’s National Climate Change Programme Google Scholar Nicholls, R.J., 2004: Coastal flooding and wetland loss in the 21st century: changes under the SRES climate and socio-economic scenarios. Global Envir...
PRC actors have long used tools like SonarX and fake accounts to monitor and manipulate. SQUAD 912 uses accounts on social media designed to look authentic and not appear controlled by PRC actors… “Group members and others affiliated with the Group have attempted to recruit U.S. persons to...
let g:coc_status_error_sign = '✗' let g:coc_status_warning_sign = '' " g:coc_filetype_map is defined in lua/treesitter.lua " " " ~/.local/share/nvim/repos/