System.Data.SqlClient.dll 套件: System.Data.SqlClient v4.9.0 來源: System.Data.SqlClient.notsupported.cs 為開啟的SqlConnection變更目前的資料庫。 C# publicoverridevoidChangeDatabase(stringdatabase); 參數 database String 用於代替目前資料庫的資料庫名稱。
安装SQL Server 升级SQL Server 终止支持 配置 配置 Windows 防火墙 多宿主计算机 配置数据库引擎实例 数据文件的默认位置 远程服务器连接选项 服务器属性 ssNoVersion 将TCP IP 端口映射到 NUMA 节点 启用“锁定内存页”选项 内存数据库 混合缓冲池 持久性内存 (PMEM) ...
locations of new data and log files in SQL Server 2012 by using SQL Server Management Studio. The default path is obtained from the registry. After you change the location all new databases created in the instance of SQL Server will use that location if a different location is not specified...
此外,如果尝试在 SQL Server 资源不依赖的磁盘上创建全文索引目录,则会显示以下错误: 服务器:群集服务器的目录“Y:\FTDATA”中的 Msg 7627、级别 16、状态 1、过程sp_fulltext_database、第 61 行全文目录。 只能使用服务器群集组中的磁盘上的目录。 ...
instead it is command based. If we connect to SQL Server on Linux using SSMS, we can see the ‘database default file locations’. However, we cannot change the default location here using SSMS. It needs to be changed using the Linux configuration utility of SQL Server, i.e. mssql-conf...
Shrink a file Compatibility level User defined data type alias Move databases Estimate size Database snapshots Concepts Reference Event notification FILESTREAM, FileTable & BLOB Indexes SQL Graph Sequence numbers Service Broker Spatial data Stored procedures ...
如果應用程式遺失此值,則必須重新初始化數據。last_sync_version應該經過驗證,以確保它不是太舊,因為某些或所有變更資訊可能已根據針對資料庫設定的保留期間進行清除。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱CHANGE_TRACKING_MIN_VALID_VERSION (Transact-SQL)和ALTER DATABASE SET 選項 (Transact-SQL)。
Open a new query window and run the following SQL as the sqladmin user to enable Change Tracking: Copy ALTERDATABASECTDemoSETCHANGE_TRACKING =ON(CHANGE_RETENTION =2DAYS, AUTO_CLEANUP =ON); GO Two things to note here. First, theCHANGE_RETENTIONparameter. This is used to tell Change Trackin...
查詢SQL Server 系統目錄常見問題 模式- sys.schemas 訊息(適用於錯誤) - sys.messages 擴充屬性 - sys.extended_properties 可用性群組 變更追蹤 sys.change_tracking_databases 系統.變更追蹤_表格 CLR 組件 數據層應用程式 數據收集器 數據空間 Database Mail 檢視 ...
database. During this test process, you design a form template that is based on a SQL Server database that your company uses for testing. But the production SQL Server database that users will use when you deploy the form template is on anoth...