Also, spell check, what was disabled, has been enabled automatically without asking me.This is really frustrating, because when I write mails in other language different than English the spell check underline and mark all words as incorrect, and I cannot disable (or change) this ...
Also, spell check, what was disabled, has been enabled automatically without asking me. This is really frustrating, because when I write mails in other language different than English the spell check underline and mark all words as incorrect, and I cannot disable (or change) this...
How can my VB program change the computer's Regional and Language Option? How can you check to see if a port is open at a specified ip? How can you determine if a URL exists without requesting the file? How can you Programmically Close a windows folder in Visual Basic 2008? How co...
Re “I could just as well as had a teaching assistant” – when I had to take the history of the French language course in the 70’s, the professor was on sabbatical and his lectures were being read by his teaching assistant, who’d say things like “here the professor inserts a ...
(either version), French or Thai failed - nothing changes. Spell-check fails, global search & replace on 'Language: (Asian) Korean' -> 'Language: English' (etc.) fails (just doing a search says 'no results found'), changing the font to e.g. Arial fails, trying to modify the '...
If there is a petition demanding action against, say, Hindutva hate-speech or anti-dalit violence, will Change also host a petition by the same accused persons, as long as the language they use is not ‘hateful’? I would be much more comfortable with a clear, though broad, policy by ...
47644: Oxidizer: Support for importing and pasting Java Language Code (in both editions) Enhancements 51562: CopyLocal should have a way to not copy with relative paths 51309: IDE Performance improvements 50089: New Preflight check for select prerequisites when opening a project or creating new on...
Outlook The fast evolution of technology makes it difficult to foresee the issues of live captioning, even in the near future. Radio and television are merging into “multimedia broadcasting.” And, in turn, the line between broadcasting and the internet is gradually fading (see the HDTV offer ...
Process 3. Change Outlook Spell Check Language Now, you have installed a new language and set it to the default language for the Outlook application. Hence, it is necessary to check the grammar or spelling and hyphenate text based on the selected language. For this, you need to change the...
However, we were able to reach an agreement that not only excited her, but enlightened me as well. I asked her, "Instead of changing, what if you decided just to be willing to change?" She hesitated, and asked me to explain.