List of Change sales invoice transaction codes in SAP. VF22 for Change invoice list. OMRV for Invoice Status Change. MIR5 for Display List of Invoice Documents. MIR6 for Invoice Overview.
sap 标准程序中可以使用VA02来修改销售订单 change sales order,也可以在程序中调用BAPI来更改订单(如物料编号material,订购数量 order quantity等),用到的函数是 bapi Explorer中的文档。Method SalesOrder.ChangeFromDataChange Sales Order...
执行之后,从输出参数lt_bapiret2里查看到这个Sales Order已经成功被更新了。 从后台数据库表VBKD里查看到这个字段的值也已经成功更新了:
To delete an SAP Sales Order, call bapi_salesorder_change function module with sales order number (VBELN) as the salesdocument parameter and set order_header_inx-updateflag to 'D' (indicates DELETE action).
in the Dynamic Query structure and in the table CRMC_REPDY, even if is a standard delivered field (CRMC_REPDY), won't work as long is not included in the case. I rasied a message to make one standard field (delivered in table CRMC_REPDY) avaliable in the case and SAP support won...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Dear al We want to add schedule line category field in Fast change option in Sales order as we have a requriment of changing schedule line category for more than 20 lines in sales order...After sales order is created ,we go and change the...
GUI事务码:CNL2 功能描述:Change Delivery Information OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支持如下: ...
SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior SalesforceSource SapBWLinkedService SapBwCubeDataset SapBwSource SapCloudForCustomerLinkedService SapCloudForCustomerResourceDataset SapCloudForCustomerSink SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior SapCloudForCustomerSource SapEccLinkedService SapEccResourceDataset SapEccSource SapHanaAuthen...
order_header_inx = wa_headerx* SIMULATION =* BEHAVE_WHEN_ERROR = ' '* INT_NUMBER_ASSIGNMENT = ' ' logic_switch = wa_sdls* NO_STATUS_BUF_INIT = ' ' TABLES return = lt_return order_item_in = lt_item order_item_inx = lt_itemx* partners = lt_partner partnerchanges = lt_partner...
SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior SalesforceSource SapBWLinkedService SapBwCubeDataset SapBwSource SapCloudForCustomerLinkedService SapCloudForCustomerResourceDataset SapCloudForCustomerSink SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior SapCloudForCustomerSource SapEccLinkedService SapEccResourceDataset SapEccSource SapHanaAuthent...