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linux 575853 tcp: fix ICMP-RTO war LP: #575853 linux 575853 perf_events, x86: Implement Intel Westmere/Nehalem-EX support LP: #575853 linux 575853 Input: wacom - switch mode upon system resume LP: #575853 linux 575853 md: deal with merge_bvec_fn in component devices better. LP...
Ting Zhong1,2, Janice E. Thies3 & Weixiang Wu1,2 Elevated global temperatures and increased concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere associated with climate change will exert profound effects on rice cropping systems, particularly on their greenhouse gas emitting potential....
We are grateful to numerous students of the Jenderal Soedirman University without whom the fieldwork would not have been possible, in particular Beny Agus Setiyanto, Misika Alam, Setiawan Yuliatmoko, Yasin Muliya Wijaya, and Zico Yudhi Wibowo. Logistical support by Edy Yuwono and Husein Sastranega...
In our application, N and T are physically both dependent on the prescribed F, so it is not obvious which of R=F−N or T we should select as the independent variable. Because random error is small in the MPI-ESM1.1 historical ensemble mean, we expect the bias in the estimated slope...
Indeed, the established relationship between coccolith size and cell size in heteroge- neous natural fossil populations21 agrees with ours very well (Fig. 1C), lending support to the constant rela- tionship between cell size and coccolith size, and application to the whole Noëlaerhabdaceae ...
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Greater learning gains might be achieved because basic needs for experiencing competence, autonomy, and social inAclutositoanl aorfe1o1f0cepnrter-asleirmvipceorbtaionlcoegtyo ttheaeclheearrsni(n6g3 psrtoucdeesnst[s44f]r.oTmhuths,ehiUgnhievremrsoittyivoatfion Musehnostuelrd: 7le8a%d tf...
poiefctehseofsuSrsfaamceplaerweaerienetxhteenssitvreeltychweadshreudbwbietrh, xmyluecnhe, smaller than in tdhrieedp,raisntdineexarmubinbeedr.inTthhee SinEnMe,rtosuvrefraifcyemisormphuoclhogsymcohaonthgeesr, ainnddiccahtinegmtihceaellxytruacntiiofonromf etxhuadnattehe outer surface,cmoaomcrcpp...
Findings of this study are important for both the Three Gorges Reservoir and application of SWAT. The findings are concluded as follows: (1) Significant decrease has occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir inflow in the past 66 years. The reservoir inflow decreases by 7.7 km3 per ten years, ...