upgrades to blender 3.3.1 its now possible to render segmentation images in stereo mode adds method to MeshObject to convert to trimesh fixes rendering on cpu-only (thanks @muedavid) adds support for loading .glb/.gltf meshes (thanks @woodbridge) adds support for loading .fbx meshes (thanks...
render_buffers.combined_tx; data_.display_only = true; inst_.push_uniform_data(); inst_.uniform_data.push_update(); draw::View drw_view("MainView", DRW_view_default_get()); 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 source/blender/draw/engines/eevee_next/eevee_hizbuffer.cc Original ...
Changed the implementation of Tabulizer for Wordpress so it's compatible with EventBlender for Wordpress. Changed the upload file method so it works well in Joomla 3.4. Fixed various bugs.Release 6.0.15 2015-05-19 Fixed a type that was causing a fatal error when using data sources.Release...
Subsequently, we loaded the Wavefront files in Blender, an open source tool for modeling, simulation, and rendering. We applied the BlenderProc pipeline (Denninger et al., 2020) to render the images. Our approach for the rendering is based on the one described in SyntCities (Fuentes Reyes et...
9. 设置渲染设置以导出到后效果(9. Set Up Render Settings to export to After Effects) 14分 43秒 4K 下载 10. 将资产导入后效应和组合设置(10. Importing assets to After Effects and Compotition Setup) 20分 37秒 4K 下载 11. 设置墙面元素以进一步装扮场景(11. Set Up Wall Elements to Further...
You use a 3D program like 3DSMax or Blender to render models to texture. Or our poor mans solution like we do create billboard by making screenshots in NifSkope. However, since we do not have the sources for the pre-rendered textures you would first have to create models/views that mi...
Our final rendering test uses Blender 2.77a and Mike Pan’s BMW workfile to measure how fast the various CPUs can render a single frame using the free and popular Blender app. The Core i7-7700K again pulls ahead of the Core i7-6700K by a small percentage,...
The ability to change a model's texture dynamically would be a cool feature to have. There's been some interest on the forum lately about this: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cesium-dev/K5ahn2_Nff4. Possibly a good code sprint i...
added the NormalRenderer functions to the RGBRenderer saves a render call, when generating normal images added a script to automatically download all PBR assest from https://cc0textures.com/ add CCMaterialLoader, which can load all downloaded materials from cc0textures, to randomly replace them ...