这个命令的意思是执行安装gerrit,会在当前目录下新建一个文件夹gerrit_site用来作为gerrit的根目录,在这个目录中,会安装git仓库,以及gerrit的web页面,还有gerrit的bin,etc等文件夹。 然后就开始安装过程了,安装的过程会询问很多问题,有一些判断性的问题会用[y/N]这样的形式,大写的字母表示默认,我们直接敲回车就表示采...
PullRequest最初是由 Github 推出的一种开源协作模式,目前 Gitee、Gitlab等平台都支持这种协作模式,而且这种模式目前更多的用在了团队或者企业的内部代码评审层面,这种协作模式一般是由开发者 Fork 一个仓库,或者在仓库内新起一个分支如zoker/feature-1,无论是哪种方式,所有的大前提是:开发者没有目标分支的写权限,...
Here's a basic example of how to use the containerized version of the Slim app: docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dslim/slim build your-docker-image-name Here's a GitLab example for their dind .gitlab-ci.yml config file: docker run -e DOCKER_HO...
If you don't fix this, the only way each customer can get around it is to temporarily enable the flag, run a script to set the duo_features_enabled to false for all our projects, then disable the flag. Therefore, it would be much easier if a database migration was run on GitLab's...
require'github_changelog_generator/task'GitHubChangelogGenerator::RakeTask.new:changelogdo|config|config.user='username'config.project='project-name'config.since_tag='0.1.14'config.future_release='0.2.0'end All command-line options can be passed to theraketask asconfigparameters. And since you're...
(the one with the old username), click "create a new project", give it the very same name as the original one, click "git - add repo by url", and paste thehttps://url of your project there. To make things easier, make sure all the projects you want to import are set topublic...
通过project.configurations这种方式获取 通过gradlew :app:dependenciestask 通过AsciiDependencyReportRenderer获取,需要适配不同版本的 gradle 版本 project.configurations方式 通过这种方式获取的,他是能够获取到所有的 dependencies,但是并不能看到 dependencies 的树形关系。
<project path="lib" name="lib" /> <!--git@gitee.com:{namespace}/{name}.git name项与clone的url相关--> <project path="src" name="src" /> </manifest> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 为什么说 Repo 主要是结合着 Gerrit 来使用呢?因为 Gerrit 的特性就是推送新的提交可以自动创建...
Adaptation Project 1 adapter 2 adapter modules 2 ADDING LEAN SERVICES 2 Addon 2 Adobe Document Services 1 Adobe forms 1 ADS 1 ADS Config 1 ADS with ABAP 1 ADS with Java 1 ADT 4 Advance Shipping and Receiving 1 Advanced ABAP 1 Advanced Event Mesh 4 Advanced formula ...
fix Fixed a bug with integrations that caused having to create Github/Gitlab issues twice 04/15/2024 fix Another fix for pasting images into WYSIWYG editor 04/15/2024 enh New email template "#CF_VALUE_1234# that outputs just the custom field's value, without the name 04/14/2024 enh...