After decades of navigating HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, gay and bisexual men are responding to new and uncertain risks presented by the
Oświadczenie o ochronie prywatności Pliki cookie innych firm Akceptuję Odrzucam Zarządzaj plikami cookie Learn Odnajdywanie Dokumentacja produktu Języki programistyczne Tematy Zaloguj Azure DevOps Usługi Twórz i wdrażaj aplikacje Rozpocznij Narzędzia i ustawien...
North Carolina's Draft Energy Plan Aims to Curb Natural Gas Buildout Another in a chorus of states aiming to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, North Carolina has published a draft Clean Energy Plan, a list of recommendations that, if enacted, would have major implica- tions for natural...
I have completed a draft of a book with a working title (TRUTH, GRACE & TIME) It tells the story of having gone from a hand-picked targeted victim, to survivor, advocate, activist, and whistleblower investigative journalist after surviving three attempted assassination scares both real and mock...
A draft PR for the Feature request to change from single mask to multi mask support for the fill mask pipeline. As discussed this is one a draft PR to discuss the changes that need to be made to the output format to jointly support multiple and single mask in one pipeline call. The PR...
49 Commits .github/workflows .gitignore .pr-preview.json Makefile w3c.json Repository files navigation README Code of conduct License...
Authors’ contributions: TO, AV, and PR conceived and designed the study; TO, AV, ER, and CR performed the data collection and VTT contributed to data interpretation; TO wrote the first draft of the paper; and AV, ER, CR, VTT, and PR criticallyREFERENCES...
Vulnerability is an emerging concept for climate science and policy. Over the past decade, efforts to assess vulnerability to climate change triggered a pr
[...](Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in relation to climatechange,itbecame clearthatsignificantworkis needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to clima...
For CH4, the data for years 1830–1849 are required to estimate warming for the years 1850 through 1869 (see Non-CO2 Short-lived Climate Forcers, below). For CH4 and N2O, the fossil emissions estimates in PRIMAP-hist relate to emissions from energy, industry, transport, product use, ...