Acknowledging accountability reduces the injured party’s anger, increases willingness to accept a settlement, and moves toward emotional “closure.” Janelle Barlow Apologies are a well-known tactic to handle complaints in customer service settings, where “every complaint is a gift,” according to ...
Doing so makes an erroneous assumption that tribal affiliation alone—separate from the cultural, economic, geographical, political, governmental, or numerous other diverse characteristics that comprise these communities—is a sufficient basis for reasonable comparisons between data and information priorities....
While these definitions reflect the many different ways by which Indigenous peoples are identified within different nations, the importance of continuity and affiliation with traditional territories, cultural group (self) acceptance, the impacts of forms of colonisation (but not for all groups) and bein...
This is especially true with partisan identification. Party identification is the single strongest predictor of how people vote and tends to stick with individuals once they form an attachment early in their political lives. Duane F. Alwin and Jon A. Krosnick analyzed NES panel...