pip cache dir --cache-dir <new path> and pip cache --cache-dir <new path> and --cache-dir <new path> and python --cache-dir <new path> from https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip/#cmdoption-cache-dir and when I type pip cache dir It's still in the old locatio...
cudatoolkit anaconda/linux-64::cudatoolkit-9.0-h13b8566_0 cudnn anaconda/linux-64::cudnn-7.1.2-cuda9.0_0 cupti anaconda/linux-64::cupti-9.0.176-0 krb5 anaconda/linux-64::krb5-1.16.1-h173b8e3_7 pip anaconda/linux-64::pip-18.1-py36_0 tensorflow-gpu anaconda/linux-64::tensorflow-gpu-...
ChangeSoftwareRepositories - Linux 常见软件源自动识别、选择更换为国内源:centos、debain、ubuntu、 pip、easy_install、ruby、go、jenkins、docker-ce、docker-registry 、etc - Xiechengqi/CSR
[Feature][batchtool][sbsrender] Add a command line argument for temp files location –cache-dir. [Feature][pysbs][preset] Preserve the “user tag” when export sbsprs. [Feature][pysbs][resources] sbsdoc.createLinkedResource support isUdim parameter. [Feature][pysbs][graph] Add a deleteGraph...
$ pip install requests-cache This simple command installsrequests-cachein your virtual environment on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It assumes that yourpipversion is updated. If it isn’t, use the following two commands in your terminal, command line, or shell (there’s no harm in doing it ...
arpcache——删除ARP缓存 241 5.3.25 从命令提示符运行netsh命令 241 5.3.26 从netsh.exe命令提示符运行netsh 243 第6章 网络服务管理 249 6.1 网络服务 249 6.1.1 mmc——管理控制台 249 6.1.2 net——网络服务管理 250 6.1.3 runas——作为其他用户运行 272 6.1.4 sc——服务控制 274 6.1.5 waitfor...
L_RectD_Location L_RectD_Make L_RectD_Offset L_RectD_Right L_RectD_Scale L_RectD_Size L_RectD_Top L_RectD_TopLeft L_RectD_TopRight L_RectD_ToRect L_RectD_Transform L_RectD_Union L_RectFromBitmap L_RectToBitmap L_RedirectIO L_Regex_Create L_Regex_Destroy L_Regex_IsMatch ...
Changes a Windows enhanced metafile (EMF) into a LEAD Technologies bitmap and, if successful, frees the enhanced metafile.
pip anaconda/linux-64::pip-18.1-py36_0 tensorflow-gpu anaconda/linux-64::tensorflow-gpu-1.9.0-hf154084_0 The following packages will be UPDATED: absl-py conda-forge/noarch::absl-py-0.1.10-py~ --> anaconda/linux-64::absl-py-0.7.0-py36_0 ...