This is a necessary condition because preferences regarding adaptation goals may change over time, and because externalities – namely, indirect costs incurred by one party but borne by an uninvolved third party – limit the range of adaptation choices for some. The need for clarity about goals ...
which for historical, political and geographical reasons had obtained special autonomy status some 60 years ago. This status allowed the region to preserve local traditions and create a strong sense of affiliation and community. The difficult geographical morphology of the ...
Green Party's primary objective is the safeguarding of the climate Manifesto To Counter Global Warming And Climate Change Sam Carana facebook page Arctic Methane Eme...
The analysis shows that despite the change we observed when testing Expectation 1, the climate policy discourse in Switzerland is rather stable with respect to its key protagonists and consists of several “usual suspects”, such as the major political parties (Swiss People’s Party, FDP. The ...
(MIROC73; CCSM474) were available for all study species19; lineage ranges of extrazonal and zonal lineages within each species were based on these models. Affiliation of each population to the extrazonal or the zonal lineage was derived from the STRUCTURE results; admixed populations were ...
Regional permutation tests. Through the random assignation of marks to each date in the complete dataset, in this case the regional affiliation, a distribution of simulated SPDs are generated from 1000 Monte Carlo runs27, from which 95% confidence intervals are derived. The empirical SPDs were dir...
Assessing research activity is important for planning future protective and adaptive policies. The objective of the current study was to assess research activity on climate change and health with an emphasis on infectious diseases. A bibliometric method
As political gambles go, it's a big and risky one: $50 million to test the proposition that the Democratic Party's outreach to new voters that helped make Barack Obama president can work in an election where his name is not on the ballot... ...
the procedure could be automated using Evernote's developper API; but the advantage of this approach is that you don't need any fancy tool, programming skills or give access to your data / account to a 3rd party. J-Mac Level 3 19 115 篇 文章 Subscription:PLUS 發表於 三月27, 2016 ...
We intentionally avoided parsing out data by tribal affiliation. Doing so makes an erroneous assumption that tribal affiliation alone—separate from the cultural, economic, geographical, political, governmental, or numerous other diverse characteristics that comprise these communities—is a sufficient basis ...