When It Comes to Party Affiliation, Sheriff Cave Likes ChangeMaureen O'HaganSusan DeFord
However, prior environmental health WOE tools do not include questions on funding mechanisms of the studies and the affiliation of the studies’ authors. Prior tools also neglect to incorporate if the study engages with indigenous or community knowledge. Incorporating indigenous knowledge and insights ...
Angry and jealous the brothers seize him and sell him to a party of Ishmaelites, who carry him to Egypt. In verses 4-5 Joseph forgives his brothers, “I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here...
We recorded no instances of they/them or other non-binary pronouns by first or senior authors from the articles revised. We also found that study areas and affiliation of lead authors most frequently occurred in the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Aus- tralia (...
Solving actual problems has no party affiliation, and we are all united against consumer fraud. The Clerk is elected, but it works best when not politicized. Christopher J. Falcon (D) Christopher J. Fal- con (D) serves as Legal Counsel and Civil Divi- sion Supervisor for the Arlington ...
political and geographical reasons had obtained special autonomy status some 60 years ago. This status allowed the region to preserve local traditions and create a strong sense of affiliation and community. The difficult geographical morphology of the land is dominated by high mountains that form an ...
Classify the following measurement as quantitative, ordinal, or categorical: Political party affiliation, coded as 1 for Democrat, 2 for Republican, 3 for Independent, and 4 for Other. How does manipulating the vertical scale change what ...
AOC’s Green New Deal and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had mixed feelings. Fig. 5: Double-sided bar chart of top-10 named entities with sentiment analysis. The NER model was used to identify the named entities in the chat, and the VADER model was used to assess the sentiment of ...
with, and kept track of their mothers while traveling decreased. When males were together in the same party as their mothers, however, young adult males affiliated with their mothers as frequently as did adolescent males, with sons initiating the majority of these interactions. In contrast to ...
control by the Communist Party (acting through the state) of the economy of the nation (in the name of the people, of course). To succeed in that cause, it was necessary to stifle and eradicate any dissent — real, imagined, actual, or potential — from the edicts of the Party (i....