However, we are already seeing major changes in the Earth’s climate system that align with the third step toward a mass extinction. Proxy data (like coral data, ocean sediments, and land-based data) along with modern-day instrumentation show an intense weakening of the AMOC, Atlantic ...
Spender and Khurana focus intensively on four exemplar management schools—at Harvard, Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, and Yale—and how each has placed its own intellectual signature on doctoral education for future faculty members who go on to careers at major universities around the United States and ...
Overall these imply relative modest increases in the physical quantity of emissions. However, rapid rises in the expected marginal value of such emissions translate these trends into major increases in their economic costs over the period considered....
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of...
The approach, however, differed from the traditional case-study methodology in two ways: (1) it brought together two major theoretical frameworks and then applied them to KSU (see Section 2), and (2) it developed an overarching process model of organizational change for sustainability. Both of...
Pushed by EU directives, plans have been developed by European countries for the renovation of the building stock [4,5], especially including public and social housing [6–8]. These actions are expected to reduce final building energy use and constitute a major contribution for the reduction of...