change of control条款 “Change of Control条款”一般指“控制权变更条款”,是指当特定事件发生,公司可以选择以面额的100%赎回债券,或在下一个付息日将票息上调300个基点(+3个百分点)。 “控制权变更”事件可能包括公司被收购、重组、主要股东变更等。该条款的目的是保护债券持有人的利益,防止控制权变更可能导致的...
也就是说,被收购方运营中和它的客户或合作伙伴签署的合同中可能存在这样一种合同条款,一旦被收购方发生change of control,比如被收购、股权转让、重大资产转让等,它的客户或合作伙伴即享有被提前通知该等change of control的权力或者有权终止双方的合同。 实践中,如果被收购方和它的客户或合作伙伴的合同被终止的话,...
Name Email Required, but never shown Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy.Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged svn version-control or ask your own question. The...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To miniaturize a device without deteriorating the responsiveness of capacity control by allowing the space between the valve seat of a pressure regulating valve and a diaphragm to communicate with a pressure regulating chamber, allowing the outside space of the valve seat to ...
actions necessary to tackle and reduce the risks of climate changes on health," the ISS said. "The International Charter of Rome...will be meant as a tool to suggest useful actions to policy-makers, but also to raise awareness on such issues and try to put them on top of all agendas....
阅读理解. No one can change the weather.Nobody can control the weather.But if we read correctly the signs around us,we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be.This way of telling what the weather will be like on t
Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us we can___what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be___on the following day or two is called weather forecasting.。For many countries and in all countr...
Also see How to: Change the Order of Columns in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control Using the Designer. Example C# Copy private void AdjustColumnOrder() { customersDataGridView.Columns["CustomerID"].Visible = false; customersDataGridView.Columns["ContactName"].DisplayIndex = 0; customers...
Control refers to having sufficient amount of voting shares of a company to make all corporate decisions. Also known as "corporate control," this privileged position exists due to majority shareholder support or a dual-class shareholder structure, but can change through a takeover orproxy contest....