1997, Fig.1) and is 10–15 km wide. There are more than 50 mountain peaks reaching altitudes > 2000 m a.s.l., and the highest is the Peleaga peak (2509 m a.s.l.) (Vincze et al.,2017). The Retezat can be divided into two main parts on the basis of base rock...
The given ρ is a function of Q and t; thus, there is a function ϱ such that ϱRt=ρATR,t. Or, using previous notation where B := AT, this new function ϱ is given by ϱRt=ρBR,t. The velocity field u is a vector field; its change of coordinates is more complicated....
Camel or Hungarian notation Can a c# struct be serialized as a "value type" or just one of its properties? can a comma in xml attribute create any problelm. can a constructor return a value? can a Dictionary be the return type of a method? Can anyone explain clearly about FLOAT Vs DE...
Camel or Hungarian notation Can a c# struct be serialized as a "value type" or just one of its properties? can a comma in xml attribute create any problelm. can a constructor return a value? can a Dictionary be the return type of a method? Can anyone explain clearly about FLOAT Vs...
Node size is defined by the number of followers. The most significant nodes are closer to the center. Fig. 2: Undirected network plot constructed on the basis of an adjacency matrix. Each node represents a streamer, with a larger node representing a larger audience (followers); and an edge...
71. The Fisher information matrix, when calculated at the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters, can be interpreted as the inverse of the covariance matrix estimate and in our notation takes the simple form $$\frac{1+\xi }{N}\left(\begin{array}{ll}2{\sigma }^{2}&\sigma \\ ...
New function tracem() computes the trace of a matrix. New function startsWith() returns a binary matrix with a 1 if the element starts with the specified string, otherwise 0. New convenience function insertcols() allows you to insert one or more new columns into a matrix or dataframe at...
The Christoffel Symbols represent the change in the basis vectors as we move around the closed loop and can be expressed in terms of a matrix function, A(x), which describes the local change of basis vectors. The A(x) matrix can also be related to the components of the vector ...
Camel or Hungarian notation Can a c# struct be serialized as a "value type" or just one of its properties? can a comma in xml attribute create any problelm. can a constructor return a value? can a Dictionary be the return type of a method? Can anyone explain clearly about FLOAT Vs DE...
Config to a Attribute of a Property assigning a tooltip for a label Assigning and returning a value in the same statement Assigning each letter of the alphabet a numeric value ? Assigning the Scientific Notation(with E) to Double Variable Assigning values to XML Elements & Attributes in C# ...