The inclusion of content such as spiritual needs and preventive healthcare services in undergraduate nursing curriculum is important in developing graduates that provide quality nursing care for older adults in Ghana. Additionally, the use of teaching approaches such as stand-alone courses, and clinical...
aIt authorized the Fed to bypass the original statute's requirement that security be limited to commercial paper of 90 days or less maturity and paper secured by United States Government bonds, and it gutted reserve requirements. It proposed taking open market operations out of the hands of the...
The trial also has a trained adolescent psychiatrist as independent study monitor to evaluate and address any safety issues. Interventions Following a pilot study [69], remitted MDD adolescents will be randomised to AO as a comparison to RFCBT (Stage 1 of the trial). This is because RFCBT ...
2021). On this basis, according to the requirements of SDGs, the IEA (2021) defines energy poverty as a lack of clean fuels such as electricity and cooking facilities, and highly relying on traditional solid biomass and firewood. As the world’s largest energy consumer and most populous ...
Integration of a three-media refrigerant/phase change material (PCM)/water heat exchanger (RPW-HEX) in the hot superheated section of a heat pump (HP) system is a promising approach to save energy for domestic hot water (DHW) generation in multi-family houses. The RPW-HEX works as a de...
Moreover, the specific design of foresight processes within TM has generated suggestions for modifying urban planning methods [38,39]. Other studies have invoked SNM as a conceptual reference in order to "zoom in" on the requirements of local niches and their relations to socio-technical regimes...
It has been estimated that 97% of our food comes from the soil and 98% of terrestrial biodiversity exists within the soil. Today, the quality of the world's soil is decaying gradually, and little is being done to address this issue. An initiative by the United Nations Convention to ...
This tool aims not to find a single solution but to narrow down the search space and, at the same time, provide the mission designer with a family of constellation solutions that can fulfill the given requirements. This offers the constellation designer a variety of solutions that can be ...
According to the same results, the model shows that about 11% of the annual precipitation in the White Volta Basin becomes discharge, which consists of 4% surface runoff and 7% base flow. On a larger scale, the SWAT model was used to address calibration and uncertainties in West Africa ...