as is assumed for most coral reef animals55, then the preferential settlement on coral reefs of large cohorts of larvae that can quickly growth through initially low post-settlement survival, supports a mechanism whereby enhanced pre-settlement development would directly increase the number of adults....
Single crystals of [001]-oriented plates were polished and their both sides were covered with silver electrodes for the electrical properties measurements. Dielectric measurements above room temperature were performed on an impedance analyzer (Novocontrol GmbH, Montabaur, Germany) Dielectric properties were...
plates subjected to uniform heat flux and the Nu correlation for plates are applied as given in Equations (7) and (8) [47]: Nuhoriz " 0.453 Re0L.5 Pr 1 3 Nuvert " 0.664 Re0L.5 Pr 1 3 where Pr is the Prandtl number calculated from fundamental air properties as (7) (8) Appl...