1. /bin/nano: 描述:Nano是一个简单易用的文本编辑器,特别适合新手使用。它提供了基本的文本编辑功能,如打开文件、编辑内容、保存和退出。 特点:界面简洁,操作直观,不需要太多的键盘快捷键记忆。 2. /usr/bin/vim.basic: 描述:Vim是一个功能强大的文本编辑器,支持多种编程语言和文件类型。Vim.basic是Vim的...
Furthermore, from the simplicity ofnanoto the feature-richvimand the extensibility ofemacs, we can select an editor that aligns with our proficiency and workflow.
1 /usr/bin/vim 2 /bin/ed *+ 3 /bin/nano 4 /usr/bin/vim.basic 5 /usr/bin/vim.tiny Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: You can select the editor you want by just typing in the number. For example, if I want to change the default editor to vim, I...
I have tried nano, vi, vim to edit this file but keep getting read only errors. /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.screensharing.plist <https://superuser.com/questions/148095/how-to-change-the-default-screen-sharing-vnc-port-number-on-mac-os-x> ...
Use VIM or Nano editor to open the /etc/hostname file that contains the computer name of your Linux PC or laptop. The command to edit and update is: sudo nano /etc/hostname When the above file opens, you will see the existing name of your computer; delete it and type the one you...
Luckily, Git allows you to change the editor that gets opened by default very easily! There are two ways in which this can be done. The first is via the terminal; this is useful if you want your editor to be Nano, for example. The command to do this isgit config --global core.edi...
You can use any editor you want from nano, vi, vim. sudo vim /etc/hosts In there you’ll see something similar to # Your system has configured 'manage_etc_hosts' as True. # As a result, if you wish for changes to this file to persist # then you will need to either # a.) ...
and for the life of me I cannot get the read only file to change. I have turned off the System Integrity Protection in order to change the file and it still will not let me edit it. I've used vi, vim and nano with no luck. My account has admin rights and I've sudo su'd int...
Change DNS Server Settings in Linux helps you to have control over the DNS servers your system uses to avoid sneaky redirects or blocked sites. Join us with this article on two different methods to do this.
Run the select-editor command and you’ll be presented with a list of text editors that you can choose from. Some of the common choices include Vim, Emacs, nano, and gedit. To select the editor of your choice, type the corresponding number and pressEnter. The next time you run thecront...