collation_database: utf8_general_ci collation_server: utf8_general_ci After that I call this stored procedure - no problem and no errors. !BUT! now all the result data(as using EMS MySQL Manager, as using PhpMyAdmin) are now hieroglyphs. I can't understand what's the reason, but I ...
<collationname="utf8_general_ci"id="33"> <flag>primary</flag> <flag>compiled</flag> </collation> <collationname="utf8_bin"id="83"> <flag>binary</flag> <flag>compiled</flag> </collation> </charset> 不光光pt-online-schema-change工具会遇到这个问题,其它工具也会,也是这么解决的。 转自h...
To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system 于是, cd /etc/init.d sudo ln -s /home/ubuntu/mysql-5.5.56-linux-glibc2.5-i686/support-files/mysql.server sudo /etc/init.d/mysql.server start /etc/init.d/mysql.server: my_...
查看到密码后再登录:mysql -uroot -p; 如何使用SET PASSWORD: help SET PASSWORD,发现报错,必须先修改:SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD(“mysql”); 8.卸载数据库: 查看安装了哪些软件:yum list | grep MySQL; 删除软件:yum remove MySQL-*; Linux MySQL服务器安装目录 ...
NLS_SORTshould be set to 'BINARY' Stop your application and drop the trigger: droptriggerafter_logon MySQL Diagnosis The correct collation for the RANK column in a MySQL database is 'utf8_bin'. Check this for your JIRA application database, by running the ...
mysql my_jira_db < /tmp/alterstatements.sql After running the query for all affected tables, verify that the queries below now return no results; SELECT*FROMinformation_schema.COLUMNSWHEREtable_schema='<database-name>'ANDcollation_name!='utf8_bin'; ...
接下来,你需要分析mysql_e9_para_change()存储过程的定义,找出为何会尝试访问不存在的表。你可以使用以下SQL语句来查看存储过程的定义: sql SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE mysql_e9_para_change; 在存储过程的定义中,查找所有引用e9_para_default_collation_name表的地方。这可能包括SELECT、UPDATE、INSERT等SQL语句。 修改...
MySQL大字段的DDL操作:加减字段、索引、修改字段属性等,在5.1之前都是非常耗时耗力的,特别是会对MySQL服务产生影响。在5.1之后随着Plugin Innodb的出现在线加索引的提高了很多,但是还会影响(时间缩短了),主要是在更改期间,会生成一个互斥锁,阻塞对整个表的所有操作。不过MySQL 5.6可以避免上面的情况,支持在线DDL操作了...
(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> alter table test_table CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) Records...
Re: How can I permanently change collation_server to utf8_unicode_ci, not utf8_general_ci? 8912 Peter Gulutzan October 29, 2006 12:08PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is...