For voting-eligible members of Generation Z, 45% say they have investigated a candidate’s views on climate change before casting a vote. Hess (2021) argues two elements drive Generation Z’s interest in climate change. First, during childhood, members were exposed and incited to participate ...
Some mutual funds allowed each claimant to express their views through pass-through proxy voting on just their fund shares. Among 401(k) plans, target date funds allowed for an age-appropriate mix of stocks and bonds. Issue: there are insufficient climate financial products for certain asset ...
My hope is that the current MSM meme that Trump is taking over the postal service will drive more Ds to voting in person (I’m assuming Rs will do that anyway unless under extraordinary circumstances), and thus strongly mitigate the fraud potential. My other hope is that there are growing...
for a few months now I have been getting an e-mail from apple every once in a while (maybe once a month) that my Apple ID is being used for iMessage on a computer/ipad/iphone I do not recognise. Each
My benefactor died. Nysmith School in Herndon, VA, and a few other schools and projects do what I love. NCLB took the steam out of STEM, the science out of the classroom, and the focus away from what was called SMET, now STEM. NCLB took me out of the classroom. I will always ...
So, if you were to get rid of those conditions and just require that a new index pattern to be specified every time--and perhaps a new suffix to append to every saved object name, so as to not overwrite--that would accomplish what I believe a lot of users here are voting for. 👍...
I started looking around the country at how other school systems address the mounting lunch debt, and many simply wipe away the debt every year. My Day One promise is a budget item to do just this: eliminate every penny of lunch debt on FCPS's balance sheets. This is around $1 ...
.' an overwhelmingly Republican-Voting county, where a great many peo- are entirely unconvinced that climate change is real. But those debates to matter little to residents; the shared experience of tremendous loss, well as 'the outpouring of generosity that follow the disaster, have, in eensbu...
(Conca2012). In the first instance, regional organizations have the same benefits as multilateral organizations, in that they can address transboundary environmental issues more effectively than at the solely domestic or bilateral level. Climatic change, air and water pollution, and other environmental ...
In addition to the denial of voting rights for Black, Coloured (those of mixed 'racial' descent) and Indian people, restricted educational opportunities for 'non-Europeans', physical relocation of millions on the basis of 'racial' categorization through the notorious Group Areas Act (See ...